Dans une lettre adressée à Pravind Jugnauth, le leader de Linion Moris a demandé qu’une motion soit présentée à l’Assemblée Mauricienne aus plus vite afin de débattre sur la situation qui règne dans le Proche Orient.
Honourable Prime Minister,
Leader of the House,
Prime Minister’s Office,
Port LouisThe 27th November 2023
Re: Special and urgent motion to debate at the National Assembly.Dear Prime Minister,
I am humbly appealing to you to consider that the following motion be the subject of a debate in the National Assembly at the earliest:
“The House is of the view that a permanent ceasefire should start immediately in Palestine”.
Already, many Parliaments around the world have done so in the recent weeks and there is no reason for procedural impediments to prevent such a debate in our National Assembly. We wish to show clearly that the Republic of Mauritius upholds the principles of peace, justice and liberty. I earnestly appeal to you to do the needful exceptionally before the summer vacation.
Furthermore, I am sure that all members of other political parties present in the National Assembly will agree to such a proposal.
The Republic of Mauritius cannot condone any genocidal act before our eyes where children and other vulnerable victims are subject to unacceptable atrocities.
May I also urge you to use all your clout to speak to all our brothers and sisters within the African Union for our voice be heard to find a solution for peace.
Thanking you beforehand,
Faithfully yours
N. Bodha