Le Speaker de l’Assemblée a fait une déclaration concernant les procédures suivies pour la communication et la transmission du l’Ordre du Jour des séances parlementaires aux député.
My attention has been drawn to a statement made to the media on Saturday by Hon. Armance, the Opposition Whip to the effect that he had not yet received, as at Friday last at 15:00 hours, the Order Paper and all other documents pertaining to today’s Sitting.
As Hon. Members are aware, Cabinet meets on Fridays to decide, amongst other things, the business of the Assembly to be dealt with on ensuing Tuesdays’ sittings.
On receipt of the Order Paper from Cabinet, the Clerk has the duty to ensure that all Papers concerning the Items, namely, Questions, Motions and Bills, if any, are properly arranged and in the latter case, more particularly in accordance with Standing Order 54(1) for onward transmission to Hon. Members.
At times, and in the case of amendment bills, additional time may be required if there is need to enclose existing legislations to which amendments are being proposed.
In the discharge of her responsibilities, the Clerk ensures that due care and diligence is exercised before the Order Paper is transmitted to Hon. Members and posted on the website of the National Assembly.
Finally, I wish to remind Hon. Members of the provisions of Standing Order 14(1) bestows upon the Clerk the responsibility of ensuring that the Order Paper and related parliamentary documents are transmitted to Hon. Members within the procedural delay of not less than 3 days before the commencement of the sitting of the Assembly.
I have therefore deemed it fit to make this announcement in order to clear any doubt or misunderstanding that there has been undue delay from the Office of the Clerk following the statement made by the Hon. Member to the media.