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Committee of Supply: time allocation and Hon. Members referred to Standing Order 73(3)

Le Speaker de l’Assemblée Nationale a donné ses consignes le 18 juin 2024 aux députés concernant le temps alloué aux questions lors du Committee of Supply et les paramètres des questions à poser lors de cet exercice.

Hon. Members,
I have to inform the House that an indicative time allocation has been worked out and agreed upon by the Whips in regard to each Vote Item and Sub-Head, wherever applicable.

Some flexibility will be exercised wherever the need arises. The Committee of Supply will proceed page by page and programme by programme wherever applicable for the orderly conduct of this process.

Hon Members are invited to stand guided by the provisions of Standing Order 73(3), which reads as follows –
“Discussions at the Committee shall be confined to the details of the Estimates and shall not refer to the general principles of Government policy and administration.”

Hon. Members are advised to be brief in their questions and Hon. Ministers to be brief in their replies.

Your collaboration is therefore essential.
Hon. Members,

The House is further informed that keeping with past practice, the votes in regard to the Centralised Services of Government will be taken immediately after the Committee would have considered the votes of expenditure for the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Development.

I thank you for your attention

A débuté ensuite le Committee of Supply présidé par le Deputy Chairperson of Committees,

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