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Members whose question has been refused or amended, must make representations privately

Le Speaker a fait une déclaration au Parlement le 25 juin 2024 concernant les questions des députés qui sont enlevés ou retirés par spon bureau.

“Members whose question has been refused or amended, must make representations privately on the matter to the Speaker. By reporting the matter to the press and further casting aspersions on the Speaker thereto, Hon. Joanna Bérenger has breached Standing Order 21(4) and offended the dignity of the House.

Mr Speaker requests the Hon. Member to present her unconditional apologies to the House”

Hon. Joanna Bérenger apologies.

Hon. Members I have another announcement to make regarding two press articles which appeared in:-
– first, the weekly, Le Défi Plus of Saturday 22 June 2024 under the caption– Séance Parlementaire du mardi 25 juin: Une question de Joanna Bérenger sur les activités notariales du ministre Ramano rejetée; and – second, the daily L’Express, in its edition of Monday 24 June 2024, under the caption – La question de Joanna Bérenger et tant d’autres qui disparaissent.

The said press articles purport to cast aspersions on the Speaker in the discharge of his duties regarding admissibility of questions.

Hon. Members,
I have to once again reiterate that pursuant to Standing Order 27, admissibility of questions rests with the Speaker.

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