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Questions parlementaires sur les « Local Authorities »

Le Speaker de l’Assemblée Nationale a fait une déclaration lors de la séance parlementaire du 2 juillet 2024 concernant les questions sur les autorités locales de Maurice.

Honourable Members,

I have an announcement to make with regard to the scope and content of Parliamentary Questions on issues falling under the purview of local authorities. It has been observed that there has been a significant number of such questions from both sides of the House on the administrative responsibilities and operational activities of the different local authorities which often do not comply with Standing Order 21(2), I quote:

“Questions may be asked of Ministers relating to public affairs with which they are officially connected, or any matter of administration for which such Ministers are responsible.”

Honourable Members, the Local Government Act provides for the establishment of Municipalities and District Councils with sufficient autonomy to manage the local affairs, operational activities of their areas as well as providing such services and facilities to the local communities.

It is fair to state that such trivial issues should be dealt with at local level thereby allowing the time of the House to be, otherwise, devoted to questions of national interest.

Moreover, in this regard Hon. Members may stand guided with what obtains at the House of Commons and other Commonwealth jurisdiction.

I quote from Erskine May chapter 22.17:

“It is not in order in a question to ask for action with matters under the control of local or other statutory authorities…………”

Honourable Members are therefore advised to raise such questions firstly with the local authorities directly or the Minister personally or in the last resort at adjournment time.

I therefore invite Honourable Members to stand guided accordingly.

I thank you.

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