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Décisions du Conseil des Ministres du 5 juillet 2024

Les ministres ont pris note que le Social Contribution and Social Benefits (Child Allowance) Regulations 2024 sera promulgué, de la création d’un teering Committee for Combating of Trafficking in Persons, que le Bel Air State Secondary School sera farmé le 11 juillet 2024 à cause du Nomination Day, des dates d’examens pour celles et ceux qui vont prendre part au National Certificate of Education (NCE) Assessment 2024 entre autres.

1. Cabinet has taken note that the Social Contribution and Social Benefits (Child Allowance) Regulations 2024 would be promulgated to provide for the payment of the Child Allowance into the bank account of such person as the Director-General of the Mauritius Revenue Authority may direct, where an eligible parent is a minor and is unable to open a bank account in his name or in the name of his child.

2. Cabinet has agreed to the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding on the Establishment of a Consultation Mechanism between the Government of the Republic of Mauritius and the Government of the Portuguese Republic. The Memorandum of Understanding would provide a platform for structured official consultations with the objective of setting the pathway for institutional collaborative initiatives in mutually agreed fields, to allow for the exchange of views on contemporary global issues such as climate change and those relating to regional cooperation.

3. Cabinet has agreed to the signing of the Agreement relating to Visa Exemption for holders of Diplomatic, Official, Service and Ordinary Passports between the Government of the Republic of Mauritius and the Government of the Republic of Benin. Nationals of both countries, holding such passports would be able to enter, leave, transit and stay without a visa requirement on the territory of the other country for a period not exceeding 90 days during any period of 180 days from the date of their first entry.

4. Cabinet has agreed to Mauritius signing the Joint Communiqué on a Peace Framework which was adopted during the Summit on Peace in Ukraine held in Bürgenstock, Switzerland, on 16 June 2024. The Joint Communiqué, which as of 26 June 2024, was supported by 83 States and six Organisations, inter alia, reaffirmed a commitment towards refraining from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State. It also emphasised the principles of sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity of all States.

5. Cabinet has taken note of the constitution of the Steering Committee for Combating of Trafficking in Persons, under the chair of the Secretary for Home Affairs. The functions of the Steering Committee would be to:
(a) coordinate the development, regular review and implementation of national policies and activities to combat trafficking in persons;
(b) ensure coordination among the public authorities with a view to improving the effectiveness of existing policies to combat trafficking in persons;
(c) ensure coordination with stakeholders to identify victims of trafficking in persons;
(d) assess the needs and protection of victims of trafficking in persons;
(e) collect and cause to be analysed statistics and other information from competent authorities to assess the effectiveness of policies and measures to combat trafficking in persons; and
(f) make recommendations for legislative regulatory and policy reforms for the purpose of combating trafficking in persons.

6. Cabinet has taken note that the Data Protection Office would organise a Workshop on 18 July 2024 with the aim of promoting awareness and education on data protection among the youth. The theme of the Workshop would be “Data Protection for the Youth” and would mainly target youngsters from private and public secondary schools and university students.
The objectives of the Workshop would be to equip the youth with essential data protection knowledge and skills, raise awareness about the importance of data privacy, educate on risks associated with data breaches and empower youngsters to become informed and proactive digital citizens, amongst others.

7. Cabinet has taken note that in the context of the Nomination Day for the By-Election in Constituency 10 on Thursday 11 July 2024 at Bel Air State Secondary School, arrangements have been made for the closure of Bel Air State Secondary School on that day.

8. Cabinet has taken note that following the presence of heavy fuel oil in a watercourse located next to the Pointe aux Sables public beach, a total of around 100 metres of sorbent booms and around 210 absorbent pads have been placed in the watercourse to contain and recover the spilled heavy fuel oil. Water samples for analysis have been collected by the National Environmental Laboratory (NEL) in the watercourse and at sea; and ambient air screening exercise was carried out by the NEL to detect the presence of Volatile Organic Compounds in the neighbourhood of the oil spill incident. An enquiry had been initiated by the Police de l’Environnement.

9. Cabinet has taken note that the National Certificate of Education (NCE) Assessment 2024 would be held on 25 and 27 September 2024 as well as on 02, 04, 07, 14 and 17 October 2024. The NCE Assessment results would be expected on 03 December 2024.

10. Cabinet has taken note that, as at 04 July 2024, there were 27 active cases of Dengue Fever in Mauritius, of which three persons had been hospitalised in both public and private hospitals. For Rodrigues, 13 active cases of Dengue Fever had been recorded and three persons were hospitalised.

Cabinet further noted that since 11 January 2024, 56 cases of Leptospirosis had been reported in Mauritius and two persons had been hospitalised as at 04 July 2024. The Ministry of Health and Wellness was pursuing the sensitisation campaigns on Dengue Fever and Leptospirosis in collaboration with relevant stakeholders.

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