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Rajesh Bhagwan suspendu pour cinq séances

Le député de Beau-Bassin/ Petite Rivière s’est fait expulser du Parlement le 5 juillet 2024 et ne pourrait pas revenir avant les cinq prochaines séances.

Ce sont ses mots contre le Speaker de l’Assemblée Nationale lors d’une conférence de presse qui lui ont valu cette suspension.

Hon. Members, I wish to inform the House that it has been brought to my attention that Hon. Bhagwan has stated the following to my address in a press conference this afternoon: – I quote: –

« Kifer li agir kumssa Speaker pe agir coumment Agent Politique Coumment Agent MSM Speaker ine mette son manteau agent politique Pravind Jugnauth ine donne li lordre »

Hon. Members,
By uttering the above words, Hon. Bhagwan has cast aspersions on my conduct in the performance of my duties as Speaker and has offended the dignity of the House.

I am therefore requesting Hon. Bhagwan to present his unreserved apologies to the House, failing which I will be left with no other alternative, to ask him to withdraw from the Chamber.

Mr Speaker
Honourable Members, Earlier today, I requested Hon Bhagwan to tender his unreserved apologies to the House for having attacked the conduct of the Speaker in the discharge of his duties in a press conference this afternoon and for offending the dignity of the House. The House may wish to note that upon being called to withdraw the offensive words and to tender his unreserved apologies to the House, Hon Bhagwan instead uttered the following words to my address, I quote:
“I call a spade a spade and I won’t withdraw. It is a fact ou enn azan politik; to ene azan politik”.

Thereupon, I ordered Hon Bhagwan to withdraw from the Chamber and I also named him.

Whilst leaving the Chamber, Hon Bhagwan also uttered among other words, “To pou ale dans poubel toi….mo pena linteret guet twa….Bandit Soulard”.

Honourable Prime Minister:
Mr Speaker, Sir, in view of your decision to name the Hon Bhagwan, I beg under Standing Order 17(3) to take the time of the House for urgent business. The Honourable Vice-Prime Minister, Minister of Education, Tertiary Education, Science and Technology be seconded.

Mr Speaker put the following question:
“The question is that the Hon Prime Minister be allowed under Standing Order 17(3) to take the time of the House for urgent business. Those in favour say AYE. Those against say NO. The AYES have it.”

The Honourable Prime Minister:
Mr Speaker, Sir, having obtained your permission, I beg to move under Standing Order 29(1) to present a motion without notice.
The Honourable Vice-Prime Minister, Minister of Education, Tertiary Education, Science and Technology be seconded.

Mr Speaker put the following question:
“The question is that the Hon Prime Minister be allowed under Standing Order 29(1) to move a motion without notice. Those in favour say AYE. Those against say NO. The AYES have it.”

The Honourable Prime Minister:
Mr Speaker, Sir, in view of your decision to name the Hon Rajesh Bhagwan, I beg to move that the Hon Rajesh Bhagwan, be suspended from the service of the Assembly for today’s sitting and the next five sittings unless unreserved apologies are tendered to the House.

The Honourable Vice-Prime Minister, Minister of Education, Tertiary Education, Science and Technology be seconded.

Mr Speaker put the following question:
“The question is that the Hon Bhagwan be suspended from the service of the Assembly for today’s sitting and the next five sittings unless unreserved apologies are tendered to the House. Those in favour say AYE. Those against say NO. The AYES have it.”

“The Assembly suspends Hon Bhagwan for the day’s sitting and the next five sittings unless unreserved apologies are tendered to the House.”

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