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Linion Moris : « Around The Speaker-saga »

Le parti politique de Port-Louis a publié un communiqué après l’élection du nouveau Speaker de l’Assemblée Nationale qui a eu lieu le 18 juillet 2024.

Why Linion Moris is saying that the present situation is not conductive for the reforms around the election of a speaker?
a) Because the time is too shot for Indepth debate.
b)Because with the general elections lingering in the background the debates will be coloured with all sorts of interess, save the interest of our Republic.
c)Because, apart from Linion Moris, the other political parties don’t have an educated proposal to change the way we elect the speaker.
d)Because we have not properly learned our lessons of the past speakers (good & bad) and what is expected role of a speaker of the National Assembly.
e)Because we don’t know what is the new role for our National Assembly.
f)Because we are not clear about democratic values & its ethos.

Proposals of Linion Moris :
•The speaker should be an independent person nominated by “A comité des sages” independent of the political parties.
•The speaker will be also responsible for the following:
i)Reforms of the Standing Orders of the National Assembly.
ii)Changes in the method of Private Notice Questions & Prime Ministers Questions & Parliamentary Questions.
iii)That National Assembly will sit at least once per week


Vacation during Christmas period one week.
→ One week in April.
→ One week in August.
• There will be monthly Private members motion bill.
• There will be debates around:
a) Public Accounts Committee report.
b) Audit report.
c) The conventions Mauritius propose to sign/ratify.
d) The State of Republic prior to Independence & Republic Day.
e) Proposals for Mauritius by the Government to rent/put the disposal of any country any part our territory including our territorial sea and the space above the territorial sea and our continental shelf. (see sections 111 of our Constitution)
f) And other responsibilities to make Mauritius a beacon of Democracy.

• The speaker will be responsible for the immediate introduction of the Kreol Language.
Section 29 of the Constitution shall be amended and will read as follows:
“The official language of the National Assembly shall be English, French and Mauritian Kreol”
• The speaker will be responsible of the youth parliament which will sit three times per year.
•The speaker will also be responsible for the sensitization of the public about the duties, role and functions of the National Assembly.
(B)The Intrigue around the pseudo-Resignation of Mr.Phokeer
A)Was the letter of resignation a letter prepared in advance by the kitchen cabinet & dated on the day the kitchen cabinet so decide?
B)The reply of Mr.Phokeer when confronted by the press that he has not resigned despite a letter circulated by the clerk of assembly. (Vide le Mauricien 17th July 2024 at around noon)
C)The blathering of the Prime Minister before the doors of Victoria hospital.
D)The rapidity with which Adrien Duval (better known as “ti kok”) was appointed in Communica do.
E)The stifling of debates around the proposed names.
F)The management of public opinion around the name of Adrien Duval (better known as Ti Kok) & his beefing up by a section of the press.

A plethora of questions arose from the above:
a)Will Mr.Phokeer be kind enough to publish a detailed bill of his health with clear information about any surgery which was carried out upon his person & by whom?
b)Will Mr.Phokeer be brave enough to tell the Nation when he wrote his letter of resignation, (or who wrote his letter of resignation?) and for the sake of transparency to render same public as soon as possible.
c)What is the Nature of conversation with the Prime Minister which lasted 57 minutes?
d)What did Mr.Phokeer barter with the Prime Minister to suddenly lose his tongue?
e)When did Mr.Phokeer know he had to resign?
f)How many times had Mr.Phokeer during tenure of office received orders from the Prime Minister or the kitchen cabinet?

“Shame was ashamed of you ADRIEN DUVAL !”
•Definitely if shame see Adrien or Xavier Duval coming in its direction along the road shame will cross the road because it is ashamed of you.
•How can you both be so vile to join the most corrupt Government Mauritius has seen?
•How can you sit around a table with the chief of mafia when you are fully aware that their hands are blooded with the murders of Kistnen, Kanakiah, Moniaruck, Marcellin Humbert?
•What is the sum you received to concoct the deal with the MSM?
•Is the figure of 200 million rupees as (mahr,dot,or bribe) undervalued or more?
•Xavier do you still remember, what words the Prime Minister castigated Adrien at the National Assembly? “Criminal, Drunkard” were uttered to your address unflinchingly?…
•Xavier, do you remember you PNQ’s? addressed to Pravind Jugnauth?
•Xavier, did you believe in your PNQ’s?
•If yes, why are you acting like a fool?
•Xavier, What message are you sending to this country?

“Xavier setting in the opposition”
Mr Bean (Actor & Scriptwritter Rowan Atkinson) will surely appreciate. HA!HA!HA! “Manz banann dan de bout”. The wise will surely add with its skin…
Linion Moris & Hon Zahid Nazurally
With no support from his own party Zahid Nazurally will be able to set quietly & definitely not be dragged to the speaker’s seat by Honourable members of the National Assembly.

We would have supported his candidate.

Hon Bodha”s Vote
To avoid being dragged in the quagmire of “deal over deal” hon Nando Bodha will not take part in the Tamasha which will be played before the eyes of our impotent people.

Jean Claude BARBIER
Dr.Sita Jeeneea-SAMINADEN
Bruce JI

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