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Mahen Seeruttun réponds à Nondo Bodha

Le ministre de l’Agro-Industrie a répondu au député de Vacoas/Floréal lors de la séance parlementaire du 30 juillet 2024.

B/636 The Honourable Second Member for Vacoas and Floréal
(Mr Bodha)

To ask the Honourable Minister of Agro-Industry and Food Security-

Whether, in regard to flowers, he will state the quantity thereof imported and exported since April 2023 to date, indicating the value thereof?

1 I am informed by the Mauritius Revenue Authority (MRA) that since April 2023 to date, a total of around 405 tons of flowers consisting of Chrysanthemum, Carnation, Gypsophilia, among others have been imported mainly from France, India, Iran and Malaysia for a total value of around Rs 123 M.

2. These importations mainly occurred during the seasons of high demand for flowers which included the Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, and for the celebration of destination weddings in hotels.

3. With regard to the exportation of fresh flowers over the same period, Mr Speaker Sir, a total of around 22 tons were exported mainly to Australia, Canada, France, Italy, Japan, Reunion Island and United Arab Emirates. The flowers exported consisted, inter alia, of Anthurium, Rose Flowers, Chrysanthemum and Tropical Flowers. The total value of fresh flowers exported amounted to about Rs 52 M.

Mr. Speaker, Sir,

4. The House may wish to note that our ornamental sector which is commercially driven and rather limited, comprises around 200 producers, nursery operators, and landscape designers, including approximately 10 anthurium growers, utilizing 70 hectares of agricultural land primarily located in the north, central plateau, and south of the island.

5. While our flower production predominantly occurs in open fields, there has been a notable shift towards protected cultivation in recent years. About 40 growers now produce roses and gerberas, over an area of 40 hectares. Additionally, 8 to 10 growers have ventured into chrysanthemum production, occupying 7 hectares. It is to be noted that, ornamentals are cultivated year-round in protected conditions across humid, sub-humid, and super-humid zones. As for roses and gladiolus, they are grown as from late July to October in sub-humid zones in open field conditions. Whereas, tropical exotics and foliage can be cultivated year-round in open fields in any zone.

Mr. Speaker, Sir,

6. To boost our local flower production, FAREI is carrying out research on ornamentals namely Anthurium, Rose, Chrysanthemum and Orchid so as to produce high yielding materials and flowers which are attractive to buyers. With regard to Anthurium, from over 2000 crosses, four varieties have been identified as promising based on their colour, length of flower stalk and spathe size for which trials are ongoing.

7. New varieties of Anthurium, Rose, Chrysanthemum and Orchids introduced from international nurseries are presently being assessed with regard to their adaptation to our local conditions. After evaluation. the most promising ones will be retained for commercial cultivation by flower growers.

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