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Avance pour les fonctionnaires

Le gouvernement a pris la décision de donner une avance aux salariés du service public en marge du rapport du pay Reseach Bureau dont le rapport est attendu en 2026.

Cabinet has agreed to the implementation of the recommendations of the Pay Research Bureau (PRB) for the payment of an allowance to public sector employees covered by the Bureau, as an interim measure, effective as from 01 July 2024, pending the publication of its main Report. The payment of the interim allowance would lapse with the implementation of the 2026 PRB Report. The PRB made
the following recommendations
(a)payment of an allowance to public sector employees covered by the PRB, as an interim measure, pending the publication of its Report, which would be effective as from January 2026 and which would address the issue of salary relativity distortion;
(b) the allowance would be equivalent to 5 percent of basic salary in the Master Salary Scale of the PRB Report 2021, subject to a maximum of Rs2,000;
(c) part-timers would also be concerned and would be paid on a part time basis;
(d)public service pensioners would not be concerned at this stage with the interim allowance; and
(e)the retirement benefits of any employee who would be retiring between 01 July 2024 and 31 December 2025 would be computed on the basis of his last pensionable emoluments, inclusive of the interim allowance.
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