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Households Characteristics for 2022

The 2022 Housing and Population Census, which cost about 400 million rupees and mobilized some 7,000 field officers, was taken in two distinct rounds: the Housing Census followed by the Population Census.

The main reason for adopting this procedure was to obtain at the Housing Census a list of names and addresses of heads of households which served as frame for the Population Census.

The Housing Census was conducted between 30 April and 20 June 2022 and the Population Census between 19 June and 01 August 2022 in respect of all persons alive on the night of 3 – 4 July 2022.

The Population Census questionnaire, a copy of which is at the end of the report, was filled in by fieldstaff on tablet with information provided by respondents. The data collection exercise was done using the Computer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI) method.

The CAPI programme was initially developed by the U.S. Census Bureau and later on by the UNFPA with support from Statistics Mauritius (SM) staff. This was the first time Statistics Mauritius made use of tablets to collect Census data. Some basic validations were in-built in the CAPI programme but more extensive validation and tabulations were done using the software

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