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Décisions du Conseil des Ministres du 30 août 2024

Les membres du Gouvernement ont pris note que l’Extradition (Amendment) Bill sera à l’agenda de la rentrée parlementaire, de l’inauguration du Geotechnical and Material Testing Laboratory qui aura lieu le 2 septembre 2024, de la participation du Premier Ministre au « naugural Leaders’ Session of the 3rd Voice of the Global South Summit » qui s’est tenu virtuellement le 17 août 2024, que le utlass Express
Exercise aura lieu à Maurice du 16 au 20 septembre 2024 entre autres.

1. Cabinet has agreed to the introduction into the National Assembly of the Extradition (Amendment) Bill which would amend the Extradition Act to provide for timely and fair determination of extradition proceedings.

2. Cabinet has agreed to the Ministry of Education, Tertiary Education, Science and Technology and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary signing a Memorandum of Understanding to provide for cooperation within the framework of the Stipendium Hungaricum Programme for the years 2024-2026. This Programme is the Hungarian Government’s most prestigious higher education scholarship programme, offering a wide range of courses for high-achieving international students with an excellent academic track record.
The Programme would provide for the allocation of 15 scholarships annually to citizens of the Republic of Mauritius. These scholarships would be available for full-time undergraduate, graduate, and one-tier master’s studies (excluding medical studies), as well as part-time studies lasting from three to 10 months.

3. Cabinet has taken note that a launching ceremony of the new Geotechnical and Material Testing Laboratory would be held in the presence of His Excellency, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan on Monday 02 September 2024. The Government of Japan provided a Grant in Aid of 600 million Japanese Yen to the Republic of Mauritius under the Economic and Social Development Programme 2020, under which specialised geotechnical equipment for the Geotechnical Unit of the Engineering Section of the Ministry of National Infrastructure and Community Development have been procured.

4. Cabinet took note that at the invitation of His Excellency Shri Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of the Republic of India, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Mauritius participated in the Inaugural Leaders’ Session of the 3rd Voice of the Global South Summit held virtually on 17 August 2024. The theme of the Session’s Summit was “An empowered Global South for a Sustainable Future”.
The Summit saw the participation of around 17 leaders who exchanged on ways and means to address developmental concerns and to echo with unity the priorities of the Global South.

In his intervention, the Prime Minister, inter alia, reiterated the need for reform of international multilateral institutions so as to better reflect the realities of the emerging South, including the specificities of Small Island Developing States. He also stressed on the need for access to adequate financing for the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals and on the need to foster cooperation amongst countries of the Global South to strengthen global preparedness and resilience against future pandemics and major health or sanitary crises.

5. Cabinet has taken note of the promulgation of the Central Water Authority (Dry Season) (Amendment No. 7) Regulations 2024 to extend its application until 30 September 2024.

6. Cabinet has agreed to the grant of support to Export-Oriented Textile and Apparel enterprises that are being negatively impacted by an increase in their costs of production. The support is being extended for the period July to December 2024 as follows:
(a) an additional monthly financial assistance of Rs1,500 for the period July to December 2024; and
(b) a monthly financial assistance of Rs1,000 for payment of the 2023 Salary Compensation for the period July to December 2024.

7. Cabinet has taken note of the holding of the Main Planning Event, for the Cutlass Express Exercise scheduled for 2025 from 16 to 20 September 2024, in Mauritius.

The Cutlass Express Exercise is a US Naval Forces-led joint multinational exercise conducted in East African Coastal regions and the West Indian Ocean to assess and improve combined maritime law enforcement capacity, promote national as well as regional security and increase interoperability between the United States, African Nations and international partners. This exercise is sponsored by the US Africa Command and is its largest naval training exercise in the Indian Ocean, bringing together US Forces and Regional African and European and international partners to share their expertise and experience.

8. Cabinet has taken note of the hosting of the Third Global Sanskrit Conference on the theme “Enduring legacy of Sanskrit on language and culture” on 05 and 06 September 2024 at the Mahatma Gandhi Institute, Moka.
The main aim of the Global Sanskrit Forum, which would be attended by some 30 delegates from India as well as 15 local delegates, would be to establish regional and international chapters to expand its reach and impacts globally. It also plans to launch specialised research centres and think tanks so as to delve deeper into the theoretical, scientific and practical aspects of Sanskrit.
This Forum would, in addition, explore the development of digital platforms and technology-driven initiatives to make Sanskrit resources more accessible to a wider audience and thus create a comprehensive database of Sanskrit-related institutions, scholars and research projects worldwide to facilitate collaboration and knowledge sharing.

9. Cabinet has taken note of the progress achieved in the implementation of the project relating to the revamping of the Youth Centres of the Ministry of Youth Empowerment, Sports and Recreation, which are now known as Youth Hubs.

Since the Financial Year 2021-2022 to date, revamping works have been completed in nine Youth Centres, whilst works were ongoing in nine Youth Centres. Revamping works for the four remaining Youth Centres would start shortly.

10. Cabinet has taken note of the proposal by the African Union to host the 8th African Transitional Justice Forum from 11 to 13 September 2024 in Mauritius, which would focus on the African Union theme, “Educate an African fit for the 21st Century: Building resilient education systems for increased access to inclusive, lifelong, quality and relevant learning in Africa”.
The African Transitional Justice Forum is an annual multi-stakeholder platform which endeavours to promote sharing of best practices and comprehensive reflections on advancements, innovations, shortcomings, and challenges in the field of Transitional Justice in the continent. The African Transitional Justice Forum is financed by the European Union, the African Union and other international partners. Around 150-200 participants, including Transitional Justice Experts and Practitioners, National Human Rights Institutions, Civil Society Organisations, Regional Economic Communities, AU Organs and victims’ networks would take part in the Forum.

11. Cabinet has taken note of the recent participation of the Minister of Environment, Solid Waste Management and Climate Change, in the Heads of Delegation Meeting at the eleventh meeting of the Conference of Parties (COP11) to the Nairobi Convention for the Protection, Management and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Western Indian Ocean Region, held in Madagascar.
In his intervention, the Minister of Environment, Solid Waste Management and Climate Change, inter alia, underscored the challenges faced by the Republic of Mauritius in the quest of sustainable management of its coastal and marine environment against such phenomena as climate change and natural disasters. He also outlined the various strategic measures taken by Mauritius in addressing beach erosion, managing solid wastes and combatting plastic pollution.
The Bureau of the Nairobi Convention was reconstituted for the next two years with Mauritius as Vice Chair (Work Programme).

12. Cabinet has taken note of the measures being implemented by the Ministry of Health and Wellness following the recent upsurge of Mpox disease in African countries and the declaration of Mpox as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern by the World Health Organization.
A Technical Committee had been set up at the level of that Ministry to take stock of surveillance, preparedness and outbreak response pertaining to Mpox. Proactive measures have also been implemented so as to detect any Mpox cases in terms of surveillance at both points of entry, namely the airport and seaport. As at date, no case of Mpox has been detected in the Republic of Mauritius.

Furthermore, the Protocol for managing Mpox cases which was developed since 2022 had been updated and same would be reviewed, as and when required, and in the light of the evolving nature of the disease.

13. Cabinet has taken note of the reconstitution of the Board of the ‘Maurice Stratégie’ with Mr Anandsing Acharuz, Acting Financial Secretary as part-time Chairperson.

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