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Reprise des négotiations entre L’Angleterre et Maurice sur les Chagos

Le Cabinet a pris connaissance de la continuation des pourparlers entre les deux pays après la rencontre que les deux premiers ministres ont eu le 23 juillet 2024.

Cabinet has taken note that following the meeting between the Prime Minister and the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom on 23 July 2024, Mauritius and the United Kingdom have agreed to continue the negotiations on the exercise of sovereignty over the Chagos Archipelago launched with the previous UK Government in November 2022.

Cabinet has also taken note that an agreed resolution to this long-standing, complex and important issue is in the interest of both parties, and that the United Kingdom is working in close coordination with the United States. Mauritius will endeavour expeditiously to conclude a negotiated agreement that respects international law and the sovereignty of Mauritius, respects the interests of the former inhabitants of the Chagos Archipelago, enhances environmental cooperation, protects and preserves vital security interests on Diego Garcia, and builds a long-term strategic partnership between the two countries as close Commonwealth partners.

Cabinet has further taken note that to enhance these efforts the UK Prime Minister has appointed Mr Jonathan Powell as his political envoy to expedite the conclusion of the negotiations.

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