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Décisions du Conseil des Ministres du 18 octobre 2024

Les ministres ont pris notent de la promulgation prochaine due l’Education (Amendment No. 3) Regulations 2024, de la signature d’un protocole d’accord entre le Ministry of Public Service, Administrative and Institutional Reforms et National Centre for Good Governance of India, de la venue de deux experts de la World Meteorological Organisation, entre autres.

1. Cabinet has agreed to the promulgation of the Education (Amendment No. 3) Regulations 2024, which would provide for:
(a) the award of two HSC Professional (Pro) National Scholarships to the best performing candidates, one girl and one boy, at the Cambridge Higher School Certificate Professional Examinations;
(b) the increase in the amount of annual allowances and tuition fees under the Laureate Scheme as announced in the Budget Speech 2024-25; and
(c) laureates who opt to study locally for their first degree to be able to undergo their mandatory internship in the private sector in Mauritius, in addition to a Ministry or Government Department.

2. Cabinet has agreed to the Ministry of Public Service, Administrative and Institutional Reforms signing a Memorandum of Understanding with the National Centre for Good Governance of India which would define the operational framework for cooperation between the two institutions for training and capacity building programmes for Public Officers. The Memorandum of Understanding would provide for collaboration in, inter alia, the following areas:
(a) training and capacity building programmes;
(b) curriculum development;
(c) exchange of experts;
(d) studies, reports and research publications; and
(e) study visits and sharing of information and experience.

3. Cabinet has agreed to two experts from the World Meteorological Organisation visiting Mauritius from 28 October to 01 November 2024 to hold consultations with relevant stakeholders for the development of a Strategic Plan for the Mauritius Meteorological Services for the period 2025-2030 and a National Framework for Climate Services in line with the country’s Vision 2030.
The Strategic Plan and the National Framework for Climate Services were being developed with the assistance and guidance of the Climate Risk and Early Warning Systems Initiative.

4. Cabinet has taken note that Mrs British Robinson, Coordinator of Prosper Africa, would lead a delegation of US officials and business representatives to Mauritius from 21 to 25 October 2024 to enhance the Mauritius-US partnership and explore investment opportunities.

Prosper Africa is a US Presidential-level initiative aiming to strengthen the strategic and economic partnership between the US and Africa through the leveraging of the services of 17 US Government agencies, including the US Agency for International Development with a view to promoting two-way trade and investment.

5. Cabinet has agreed to the Ministry of Education, Tertiary Education, Science and Technology co-organising with the Centre for Science and Technology of the Non-Aligned and other Developing Countries an international workshop on “Patenting for Economic Growth: Opportunities and Challenges”, in virtual mode, on 24 and 25 October 2024.
The workshop, on the theme “Patenting for Economic Growth: Opportunities and Challenges”, would aim at fostering an understanding of the role of patents to accelerate economic development, empower local innovators and sustain economic growth.

6. Cabinet has taken note of the holding of the 4th International Conference on Next Generation Computing Applications (NextComp 2024), organised by the University of Mauritius from 24 to 26 October 2024 in Mauritius.
The main goal of the NextComp 2024 would be to address new developments both in theory and in practice, in the area of Artificial Intelligence, Communication and Computer Networks, Security and Forensics, Intelligent systems, Data Analytics, Information Management, Bioinformatics and ICT Practices and Applications. The NextComp 2024 would also:
(a) bring together experts, practitioners, academics and other stakeholders to share the latest research findings, case studies, technologies and best practices;
(b) provide a platform for professionals to connect, exchange ideas, foster collaborations, and build partnerships that could lead to future opportunities or advancements in relevant fields; and
(c) contribute to professional growth, offering attendees the chance to acquire new skills, learn about the latest trends and enhance their expertise.

7. Cabinet has taken note of the holding of the International Higher Education Conference organised by the University of Mauritius in collaboration with the University of Ottawa, Canada, from 23 to 25 October 2024, in Mauritius. The primary aim of the Conference would be to probe into issues of equity, diversity and inclusion within the higher educational field. The conference would aim to bridge divides through equity, diversity as well as inclusion.

8. Cabinet has taken note that the election of 18 countries to serve on the Human Rights Council for the term January 2025 to December 2027 took place on 09 October 2024 in New York and the following countries were elected, namely Benin, Bolivia, Colombia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Gambia, Iceland, Kenya, Marshall Islands, Mexico, North Macedonia, Qatar, the Republic of Korea, Spain, Switzerland and Thailand.

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