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Réponse de Dorine Chukowry à Eshan Juman

La ministre du Commerce a répondu au député travailliste lors de la séance parlementaire du 14 mai 2024 concernant le nombre de boeufs qui seront en vente dans le cadre du Eid-ul-Adha festival 2024 ainsi que le prix imposé.

B/335 The Honourable Fourth Member for Port Louis Maritime and Port Louis East (Mr Juman)

To ask the Honourable Minister of Commerce and Consumer Protection –

Whether, in regard to Eid-ul-Adha festival 2024, she will state the number of cattle expected to be put for sale on the market therefor, indicating the price fixed for live cattle?

Mr Speaker Sir,

With regard to the number of cattle expected to be put on sale, I am informed by the Ministry of Agro Industry and Food Security that around 6500 live cattle would be required for Eid-ul-Adha festival 2024.

The said Ministry has issued permits for the importation of 6771 cattle. As at 05 May 2024, 5346 cattle from South Africa have reached Mauritius and an additional 1425 cattle are expected to reach Mauritius as from the third week of this month.

All the animals which have reached Mauritius, have been checked as per established protocols by the Ministry of Agro Industry and Food Security and found to be clinically healthy. The cattle are currently quarantined at St. Martin.

It is also noted that some 758 cattle may be made available from local production in Mauritius and Rodrigues.

As regards the price of the cattle, the retail selling price of imported live cattle for the forthcoming Eid-Ul-Adha 2024 festival, has not yet been fixed and my Ministry has already initiated appropriate actions, for same.

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