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Dr. Arvind Boolell suspendu pour deux séances

Le leader de l’Opposition a été suspendu pour les deux prochaines séances après son altercation avec le Speaker le 14 juin 2024.

Mr Speaker:
“Hon. Members
Earlier this afternoon, the Honourable Leader of the Opposition, Dr Boolell willfully obstructed the proceedings of the House in a disorderly manner whilst I was addressing the House by way of an announcement.

I ordered Dr the Honourable Boolell to withdraw from the Chamber and while leaving, the Hon. Member made an improper gesture towards the Chair.
Hon. Members,
The conduct of Dr the Honourable Boolell is not only unbecoming but constitutes a breach of parliamentary decorum amounting to a grossly disorderly conduct following which I named him.”

The Honourable Deputy Prime Minister:
“Mr Speaker, Sir, in view of your decision to name Dr the Honourable Boolell, I beg under Standing Order 17(3) to take the time of the House for urgent business.
The Honourable Minister of Financial Services and Good Governance seconded.

Mr Speaker put the following question:
“The question is that the Honourable Deputy Prime Minister be allowed under Standing Order 17(3) to take the time of the House for urgent business. Those in favour say AYE. Those against say NO. The AYES have it.”

The Honourable Deputy Prime Minister:
Mr Speaker, Sir, having obtained your permission, I beg to move under Standing Order 29(1) to present a motion without notice.
The Honourable Minister of Financial Services and Good Governance seconded.

Mr Speaker put the following question:
“The question is that the Honourable Deputy Prime Minister be allowed under Standing Order 29(1) to move a motion without notice. Those in favour say AYE.
Those against say NO. The AYES have it.”

The Honourable Deputy Prime Minister:
Mr Speaker, Sir, in view of your decision to name Dr the Honourable Boolell, I beg to move that Dr the Honourable Boolell, be suspended from the service of the Assembly for today’s sitting and the next two sittings unless unreserved apologies are tendered to the House.

The Honourable Minister of Financial Services and Good Governance seconded.

Mr Speaker put the following question:
“The question is that Dr the Honourable Boolell be suspended from the service of the Assembly for today’s sitting and the next two sittings unless unreserved apologies are tendered to the House. Those in favour say AYE. Those against say NO. The AYES have it.”

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