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Nando Bodha écrit au Premier Ministre et au Speaker

Le leader du Rassemblement Mauricien et Linion Moris a écrit deux courriers , l’un à Pravind Jugnauth et l’autre à Adrien Duval, le nouveau Speaker de l’Assemblée Nationale concernant le Seat Allocation et la levée des suspensions de trois députés.

Lettre au Premier Ministre

Dear Prime Minister,

We are living a deep crisis as regards to the credibility of our Parliament as a beacon of our democratic fibre.

I still believe we can save our democracy.

I am urging you with three requests which will send a powerful signal and we can start on a new chapter.

1. The Opposition be given the leeway to express itself fully in the House as regards the voice of the people. If Government is to have its way, the Opposition should have its say. The role of the Deputy Speaker is also very instrumental in this matter.

2. All Parliaments, the House of Commons in the UK, the Lok Sabha in India, the Assemblee Nationale in France have come back to the practice before Covid as regards to the seating arrangement and social distancing. It is high time we do so in the National Assembly. I sent a PQ on this issue some time back at the beginning of the present session and it was not allowed. Now is the time to do so with each Member taking his seat on the government or Opposition bench.

3. To bring serenity to the House, it would be wise that all Members under a suspension be allowed to attend the next sitting without any condition as a gesture of goodwill in the name of democratic principles.

I believe sincerely, Prime Minister that we rise up above all our differences to save our democracy.

Faithfully yours,

Nando Bodha 23 July 2023

Lettre au Speaker

Honourable Speaker,

In the higher interest of the Republic I am writing to you to reset the relationships between the Members of the National Assembly and the Chair.

As Member of the National Assemble and leading member of LINION MORIS, I humbly believe that despite the political canyon which exists between the Chair and Honourable members of the parliamentary opposition, I believe that you should contemplate the following:

(a) An urgent meeting between the Whips of the National assembly
(b) The immediate waving of the pending suspension against all Members of the Opposition without any condition
(c) A courteous approach towards Honourable Members of the Opposition which I am sure will be reciprocal.

As a longstanding Member of the National Assembly, I humbly beg you not to fall into the trap of being pro government in your dealings at the National assembly with complacency.

I hope that you will give due consideration to my requests as it concerns the very essence of our democratic fibre and the National Assembly as the temple of our democracy.

With all my thanks

Faithfully yours

Nando Bodha 23 July 2024


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