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Déclarations du Nouveau Speaker à l’Assemblée Nationale

Adrien Duval a fait cinq déclarations au début de la séance parlementaire du 23 juillet 2024.

À savoir que le nouveau Speaker a renversé deux rulings de l’ex-Speaker notamment les questions sur les conseils de districts et les municipalités ainsi que l’accès des députés suspendus hors des jours où l’Assemblée Nationale siège.


Announcement No 1

Speaker announcement No
Speaker announcement No 1

Announcement No 2

Speaker announcement No
Speaker announcement No 2 23-7-2024

Announcement No 3

Speaker announcement No
Speaker announcement No 3 – 23-07-2024

Announcement No 4

Speaker announcement No
Speaker announcement No 4 – 23-7-2024

Announcement No 5

Speaker announcement No
Speaker announcement No 5 – 23-07-2024

Announcement No 6

Speaker announcement No 6- 23-07-2024
Speaker announcement No 6- 23-07-2024

6. Contempt of Assembly
(1)Subject to subsection (2), each of the following acts, matters and things, constitutes the offence of contempt of the Assembly—
(c) refusing or wilfully failing to obey any rule or order of the As­sembly, or any order of a committee acting within the scope of its authority;
(h) creating or joining in any disturbance which interrupts or is likely to interrupt the proceedings of the Assembly or of any commit­tee while the Assembly or committee is sitting;
(i) misbehaving in a disrespectful, indecorous, improper or disor­derly manner, within the precincts of the Assembly at any time between the commencement and final termination of a sitting on any day on which the Assembly meets;

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