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24 scholarships under the Additional Scholarships Scheme on the basis of Merit and Social Criteria.

Applications are invited from suitably-qualified Mauritian students who have sat for the Higher School Certificate in October/ November 2023 for the award of 24 scholarships under the Additional Scholarships Scheme on the basis of Merit and Social Criteria.

The breakdown for these 24 scholarships is as follows:
(i) Award of 16 Scholarships
16 scholarships will be awarded, as hereunder, to students ranked among the first 500 of the Cambridge Assessment International Education Scholarship Rank Orders or the Merit List of Rodrigues as appropriate, and whose total income of parents does not exceed, in the aggregate, Rs 37,000 per month:
Science 6 (3 boys & 3 girls)
Economics 4 (2 boys & 2 girls)
Arts 2 (1 boy & 1 girl)
Technical 2 (1 boy & 1 girl)
Rodrigues (any field) 2 (1 boy & 1 girl)
The Cambridge Assessment International Education Scholarship Rank Orders List for 500 candidates and the Merit List of Rodrigues are available on the website of the Mauritius Examinations Syndicate at:
as well as on the website of the Ministry on
(ii) Award of 8 Scholarships
8 scholarships will be awarded to students based on the results of the Cambridge Higher School Certificate examinations (2023) and whose total income of parents does not exceed, in the aggregate, Rs 18,500 per month.

2. Conditions of Scholarship
(i) All beneficiaries of scholarships have the option to study either locally or abroad.
(ii) Those opting to study abroad will get an all-inclusive yearly allowance of a maximum of Rs 600,000 for a first degree of a maximum duration of 4 years. They will, however, not be entitled to any postgraduate scholarship awarded by the Government of Mauritius.
(iii) Those opting to study locally will get an annual allowance of Rs 150,000. The Scholarship Scheme also caters for the tuition fees, if any, and related charges up to Rs 225,000 per year for a first degree of up to 4 years duration in a locally recognized Higher Education Institution. They will, thereafter, benefit from a postgraduate scholarship at Master’s level of 1 year duration abroad or not exceeding 2 years in Mauritius except if they opt for studies in Medicine or Medicine-related fields.
(iv) Those who opt to study Medicine or Medicine-related fields in a locally recognized Higher Education Institution will get an annual allowance of Rs 150,000. The scheme also then caters for tuition fees, if any, and related charges up to Rs 225,000 per year for a maximum of five years. They will, however, not be entitled to any postgraduate scholarship awarded by the Government of Mauritius.
(v) The students must also secure a seat for a first degree in a University abroad or in a locally-recognized Higher Education Institution. Eligible students who have not yet secured a seat at a University abroad or in a locally-recognized Higher Education Institution by the time of application may still submit their applications. The final offer of the scholarships to shortlisted candidates will be subject to submission of evidence of admission.
(vi) The attention of candidates is drawn to the Communiqué of the Ministry of Health and Wellness regarding eligibility of students for studies in Medicine, copy of which can be consulted on the website of this Ministry.
(vii) All beneficiaries of the 24 scholarships on the basis of Merit and Social Criteria under the Additional Scholarship Schemes will have to work for at least 2 years in a Ministry or Government Department in Mauritius immediately after completion of their first degree. Those who opt for studies in Medicine or Medicine-related fields will have to work for at least 2 years in a Ministry or Government Department in Mauritius after being fully qualified, that is, immediately after completing their first degree and internship.
(viii) Responsible parties of applicants shall be required, as part of their application, to produce an affidavit with respect to confirmation of their total income. A form of such an affidavit is downloadable on the website of the Ministry:
(ix) All beneficiaries of the 24 scholarships on the basis of Merit and Social Criteria under the Additional Scholarship Schemes will have to sign an undertaking that they will serve the country upon completion of their studies for at least 2 years.

3. Mode of application
Applications must be made on the prescribed form available at the Scholarships Section, Ministry of Education, Tertiary Education, Science and Technology, 1st Floor, MITD House, Pont Fer, Phoenix. The Form may also be downloaded from the Ministry’s website at:

The completed application form, along with certified copies of all supporting documents (birth certificates and copy of SC results, HSC statement of results) should be submitted to the Scholarships Section, Ministry of Education, Tertiary Education, Science and Technology not later than Friday 26 July 2024 at 14.00 hours at latest.

4. Additional Information
All candidates should ensure that certified copies of certificates, statement of results/mark sheets and all other relevant documents relating to their qualifications are submitted to the Scholarships Section, along with their applications. Non-submission of same will result in elimination from the selection exercise. Certification of documents can be done at the Scholarships Section of the Ministry of Education, Tertiary Education, Science and Technology or at the Careers Guidance Service in Rose Hill. The certified copies of all documents (if not in English) should be accompanied with their corresponding English translation.

Additional information or clarifications may be obtained from the Scholarships Section, Ministry of Education, Tertiary Education, Science and Technology, 1st Floor, MITD House, Pont Fer, Phoenix, Phone No: 601 5262 and Fax No: 686 9511. The Communiqué has also been placed on the Ministry’s website which is as follows:https://education.govmu.org/

Application forms received after the closing date will not be considered.

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