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Amendements à 31 Remuneration Regulations existants

Le gouvernement lors de la réunion du Conseil des Ministres a donné son aval à l’amendement de plus d’une trentaine de Remuneration Regulations pour les salariés dans le secteur privé.

Cabinet has agreed to:
(a) amendments being brought to 31 existing Remuneration Regulations to provide for wages relativity adjustment for workers drawing a monthly basic wage of up to Rs50,000, whether their wages are prescribed or not in these different Remuneration Regulations; and
(b) drafting instructions being conveyed to the Attorney General’s Office for new Regulations to be made under the Employment Relations Act to provide for:
(i) wages relativity adjustment for workers drawing a monthly basic wage of up to Rs50,000, employed in sectors not governed by any of these Remuneration Regulations; and
(ii) a monthly basic wage of a worker holding a diploma or a degree.
As from 01 July 2024, a floor basic wage would be prescribed to the tune of:
(a) Rs25,000 a month, representing a ratio of 1.5 of the national minimum wage, applicable to occupations which require their incumbents to possess as a minimum a post Higher School Certificate degree; and
(b) Rs23,000 a month, representing a ratio of 1.4 of the national minimum wage, applicable to occupations which require their incumbents to possess as a minimum a post Higher School Certificate, two years diploma or a post School Certificate three years diploma from a recognised institution.
Financial support would be provided to enterprises facing difficulties in implementing the salary relativity adjustment, namely Export Oriented Enterprises, Domestic Oriented Enterprises and Small and Medium Enterprises.

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