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[Document] 133e édition de la newsletter du Bureau du DPP

Pour août 2024, il est question de crime contre la nature dans la lettre mensuelle du Bureau du Directeur des Poursuites Publiques.

Dans une mise en page revue et corrigée, Nataraj Muneesamy titre son éditorial “Real change starts with us and in our everyday actions.” et il commence avec :

It is often said that a dog is man’s best friend. The inverse – that man is dog’s best friend – is seldom said though. This is because man’s treatment of the ‘animaldom’ and the environment is really one of neglect, abuse and exploitation. This behaviour, having persisted throughout the history of humanity, has remained largely unchanged. Like all exploitative behaviours, it comes with serious consequences. It also reflects a folkloric lack of understanding that what affects our flora and fauna invariably impacts on humans too. Paradoxically, humans are capable of conscientiousness, kindness and care when it comes to materialistic and ephemeral objects: cars, phones or clothes. On

Pour sa part Bhavan Bhagwan a chois un sujet écologique et environnemental avec « The Right of Nature » :

It is universally established that humans are entitled to a life of dignity. Naturally, everyone wants to have safe air to breathe, pristine beaches, clean communities and secure livelihoods. In so doing, it has been long recognised that it is important to preserve the quality of life by caring responsibly for the natural environment. Yet, this approach to protect the environment is often fueled by human welfare. It places the human species at the centre of all discussion. But where is nature in all this? Can animals, trees, rivers and even ocean waves have rights irrespective of whether they are beneficial for humans or not? Simply for being?

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