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Décisions du Conseil des Ministres du 27 septembre 2024

Les membres du cabinet ont pris note que la promulgation du National Identity Card (Card Usage) Regulations 2024 qui prendra effet le 31 janvier 2025, de celle du Private Recruitment Agencies Regulations 2024, du Road Traffic (Renewal of Public Service and Carrier’s Licence) Regulations 2024, que le 24 septembre 2024 que le Premier MInistre s’est entretenu avec Secrétaire d’État américain entre autres.

1. Cabinet has agreed to the promulgation of the National Identity Card (Card Usage) Regulations 2024 which provide the required legal framework to enable the use of electronic devices and appropriate software, as prescribed in the schedules. The Regulations would come into operation on 31 January 2025 so as to give sufficient time for the eligible entities to equip themselves with the required devices and appropriate software to implement the Regulations.

2. Cabinet has taken note that the Private Recruitment Agencies Regulations 2024 would be promulgated with a view to regulating the operation of the private recruitment agencies. The Regulations provide, inter alia, for a separate licence for each of the three categories of recruitment, namely:
(a) citizens of Mauritius for employment in Mauritius;
(b) citizens of Mauritius for employment abroad; and
(c) non-citizens for employment in Mauritius.

3. Cabinet has taken note of the promulgation of the Road Traffic (Renewal of Public Service and Carrier’s Licence) Regulations 2024, which provide for the implementation of the Second Phase of the Online Payment for Renewal of Motor Vehicle Licences for all types of Public Service Vehicles
The online system provides a one-stop-shop service for vehicle owners to connect virtually with the National Land Transport Authority system for the renewal of their Motor Vehicle Licences and to effect payment through an IT device on a 24/7 basis.

4. Cabinet has taken note that Regulations have been made to provide for wage adjustment in the private sector and has further taken note that in case(s) of breach of the said Regulations, action would be initiated as provided by law.

5. Cabinet has agreed to the President of the Republic being advised to make the Civil Establishment Order 2024 and the Civil Establishment (Rodrigues Regional Assembly) Order 2024 that establish offices in the public service of Mauritius, determine the number of persons who may be appointed to such offices and determine the emoluments to be attached to such offices.

6. Cabinet has agreed to the Ministry of Education, Tertiary Education, Science and Technology signing a Memorandum of Understanding with the Indian Institute of Management Sirmaur, Himachal Pradesh, India. The objective of the Memorandum of Understanding would be to establish a collaborative framework to promote academic exchange and cooperation, though, inter alia:
(a) joint programme development in areas of mutual interest;
(b) joint research projects in fields of mutual interest;
(c) faculty exchange programmes; and
(d) collaborative capacity building and professional development initiatives.

7. Cabinet has agreed to the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the National Empowerment Foundation (NEF) and the Mauritius Sports Council which would have, inter alia, the following objectives:
(a) promotion of social inclusion and improvement of the practice of sports and physical activities among NEF beneficiaries through participation in the different programmes offered by the Mauritius Sports Council;
(b) establishment of an annual calendar of activities; and
(c) development of capacity building for the NEF beneficiaries in the sports sector.

8. Cabinet has taken note that, on 24 September 2024, the Prime Minister had a conversation with the Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken during which they, inter alia, discussed the strong partnership between Mauritius and the United States and shared goal of enhancing security and prosperity for both countries and the region, as well as close collaboration on a wide range of bilateral, regional and multilateral issues.

9. Cabinet has agreed to the reduction of the exemption for the import of ‘bonus’/free-of-charge pharmaceutical products from 30 percent to 10 percent in the pricing control mechanism with a view to bringing down the price of pharmaceutical products.

10. Cabinet has taken note that the Inaugural Ceremony of the assumption of Mr Edgard Razafindravahy as the 10th Secretary General of the Indian Ocean Commission would be held on 30 September 2024 in Mauritius. The Indian Ocean Commission Council of Ministers at an Extraordinary Session held on 15 July 2024, appointed Mr Edgard Razafindravahy as Secretary General.

HE Mr Andry Nirina Rajoelina, President of the Republic of Madagascar, would attend the Inaugural Ceremony, accompanied by HE Mr Naina Andriantsitohaina, Ministre de la Décentralisation et de l’Aménagement du Territoire, Ministre des Affaires étrangères par intérim. HE Mr Jean-François Ferrari, Minister for Fisheries and the Blue Economy of Seychelles, Ambassador Alloui Saïd Abasse of Comoros and HE Mr Frédéric Bontems, Ambassador of France to Mauritius would also attend the ceremony.

11. Cabinet has taken note that in the Global Innovation Index Report for the year 2024 released on 26 September 2024, Mauritius was ranked 55th globally out of 133 countries. Mauritius continues to lead in Sub-Saharan Africa.

12. Cabinet has taken note of the outcome of the 20th plenary meeting of the Southern African and Islands Hydrographic Commission held in Kenya. Mauritius was re-elected as Vice-Chair of the Commission. Mauritius was unanimously elected as the S-100 Coordinator of the Southern African and Islands Hydrographic Commission.

13. Cabinet has taken note that the Mauritius Revenue Authority would host the World Customs Organisation Sub Regional Workshop on Anti Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing from 07 to 11 October 2024 in Mauritius.
The Workshop would be organised jointly by the World Customs Organisation and the US Departments of State Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs. The aim of the Workshop would be to:
(a) raise awareness on and build capacity to combat money laundering and terrorism financing amongst regional members, national Police Services and Financial Intelligence Units in the East and Southern African region; and
(b) provide an in-depth understanding of AML/CFT concepts, principles and practical applications to include trade based money laundering.

14. Cabinet has taken note of the status of the project for the enlargement of the bridge at Rampersad Ramdin Road, Eau Coulée which was being implemented by the Road Development Authority.

15. Cabinet has taken note of the activities being organised by the Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security in the context of World Food Day, which is celebrated on 16 October every year, namely:
(a) a three-day expo-vente in the compound of the Agricultural Services at Réduit from 17 to 19 October 2024;
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(b) the launching of a new papaya variety, which had recently been developed by the Food and Agricultural Research and Extension Institute and distribution of the seeds thereof;
(c) the sale of agricultural produce by the Agricultural Marketing Board at its retail outlets across the island as well as during the expo-vente;
(d) the sale of locally produced banana and manioc chips, eggs, ducklings and chicks, milk and milk products, pickles and pastes, tea products, honey and honey products, fresh and processed fruits and coconut-derived products, amongst others;
(e) the sale of native plants, melliferous plants, fruit trees, and medicinal and ornamental species and specific vegetables seeds at reduced rates; and
(f) awareness raising and demonstrations on techniques in agricultural production as well as initiation to agriculture, targeting students and youngsters.
The theme for this year’s event is “Right to foods for a better life and a better future.”

16. Cabinet has taken note of the activities by the Ministry of Health and Wellness being organised to mark World Mental Health Day 2024 which is observed worldwide on 10 October, with the overall objective of raising awareness on mental health issues and mobilising efforts in support thereof. The theme for this year is “It is Time to Prioritise Mental Health in the Workplace” and aims at highlighting that access to mental health services remains unequal. The following activities would be organised:
(a) launching of a video on ‘Promotion of Mental Health Services’;
(b) an exhibition of creative activities by patients of the Occupational and Welfare Department;
(c) a half-day workshop on “It is Time to Prioritise Mental Health in the Workplace”, targeting medical and paramedical staff from Regional Hospitals; and
(d) MBC programmes to sensitise the population on mental health issues.

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