6 mars 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

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High Level Committee of Experts to review the Law Practitioners Act

1 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

The government has appointed a High Level Committee of Experts to review the Law Practitioners Act and other relevant enactments concerning the legal profession in Mauritius such as the Mauritius Bar Association Act, the Mauritius Law Society Act, the Notaries Act and any enactments related thereto.

The object of the Committee shall be to propose amendments to the aforesaid enactments pertaining to –

(a) the running of courses and examinations, including recognition of foreign qualifications, for admission to practice law in Mauritius;

(b) the legal framework pertaining to –

(i) the institution and conduct of disciplinary proceedings against law practitioners;

(ii) the efficient and effective functioning of the Mauritius Bar Association, the Mauritius Law Society and the Chamber of Notaries; and

(c) other related enactments in pari materia and other matters incidental or related thereto.

The Committee is composed of Lord Phillips KG PC, as Chairperson, Honourable Karuna Gunesh-Balaghee, Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court, Mr Ravindra Chetty (Senior Counsel), Mr André Robert (Senior Attorney) and Mr Jean Michel Caboche-Adam (Notary Public).

The Secretary of the Committee is Mr S. Balaram, Chief Court Officer, Supreme Court.

The Committee will shortly issue its communique inviting the relevant professions and the public at large to submit their representations to the Committee.

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