12 mars 2024

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MOU between Harel Mallac Technologies & University of Mauritius on Talent Development In Technology

2 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Harel Mallac Technologies signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the University of Mauritius to strengthen and outline collaboration for Talent Development in the Technology sector & key value-add projects.

In line with its Talent Development programme, Harel Mallac Technologies and the University will collaborate on the following lines:
i. Internships & Recruitment of UoM Graduates through HMT’s internal Graduate Assessment & Development Exercise
ii. Assistance to final year students in the realisation of their final year projects through HMT’s Innovation Lab
iii. Contribution through exposes/insights on key technologies & practical/industry related themes

“Innovation will result from a close collaboration between the university and industry. We are working at UoM to strengthen these links and we welcome the signing of this agreement with HMT, which aims to develop the artificial intelligence sector, particularly in the agricultural sector’. These links will also allow our students to do internships at HMT and for our researchers to work together with society to transfer technology and apply research.. ” – said VC Dhanjay Jhurry, Vice Chancellor of the University of Mauritius.

Charles Harel, CEO of the Harel Mallac Group stressed on the group’s engagement towards Talent Development and further added, “This collaborative approach will empower students in building a forward looking mindset in their professional development and will benefit businesses by meeting talent requirements.”

Shateeaum Sewpaul, General Manager, Harel Mallac Technologies presented the new collaboration with University of Mauritius and highlighted that « This mutually beneficial partnership can produce groundbreaking research & innovation that solves complex problems, drives economic growth, and creates a more skilled workforce »

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