10 mars 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

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Akademi Kreol Repiblik Moris

1 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Le gouvernement va créer une Akademi Kreol Repiblik Moris pour developper et faire sutiliser le kreol morisyen dans le pays a travers cette instance.

Cabinet has agreed to the setting up of the Akademi Kreol Repiblik Moris (AKRM) to follow up on the development and use of the Kreol language in the Republic of Mauritius. The AKRM would have the following key objectives:

(a) develop further the orthography, grammar, lexicon, usage and norms of Kreol Repiblik Moris (KRM) as the national standard language of the Republic of Mauritius;

(b) develop and promote KRM as the key medium, component and expression of Mauritian heritage, culture and traditions in its unity and diversity;

(c) commission and publish linguistic studies and descriptions of KRM and its usage, its varieties and registers, its evolutionary norms and standards, while assuring its development as a living and dynamic medium;

(d) encourage literary, non-fiction and scientific writing and promote creative productions in audio-visual, electronic and other formats;

(e) promote quality and excellence in the study, description and creative use of KRM and reward talent and achievement in KRM; and

(f) advise the Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research on matters related to KRM.

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