18 mars 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

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Communiqué de National Disaster pour Rodrigues

1 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Following a special communiqué issued for Rodrigues by the MMS, a strong anticyclone is causing strong winds to blow and generating swells and waves of the order of 4 metres.

The MMS communiqué is valid as from 0400hrs on Tuesday 04 June 2019 until 1600hrs on Wednesday 05 June 2019, the NDRRMC strongly advises the public in Rodrigues to follow the instructions below:

– Public should avoid manoeuvring on tall structures and engaging in leisure activities such as mountain hiking, gliding and tyrolienne;
– Be cautious on the road because of cross winds;
– Fishermen are to avoid all fishing activities in open seas as well as inside the lagoons and if possible secure your fishing crafts;
– Leisure craft operators are strictly advised not to venture in open seas and lagoons;
– Sea goers are to avoid visits and leisure activities on islets as well as diving, kite surfing, canoeing and surfing as these may be very risky;

Therefore, the NDRRMC appeals to the public to exercise caution and strictly follow instructions from concerned authorities.

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