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Maurice Info – Archives

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Décisions du Conseil des Ministres du 21 Juin 2019

3 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Les membres du cabinety ont pris note que le Declaration of Assets (Amendment) Bill sera présenté au Parlement, la création d’un Batterie de l’Harmonie à Rivière Noire, de la promulgation de la Mauritius Family Planning and Welfare Association Act 2018 qui sera mis en application le 15 Juillet 2019 entre autres.

1. Cabinet has agreed to an early introduction into the National Assembly of the Declaration of Assets (Amendment) Bill. The object of the Bill is to amend the Declaration of Assets Act 2018 :

(a) by widening the definition of “assets”, so that assets to be declared under the Act shall include any money deposited in a non-bank deposit taking institution by the Bank of Mauritius;

(b) so as to give a definition to the term “State-owned enterprise”, so that a State-owned enterprise which falls under the purview of the Act shall be such enterprise, in which the State is a shareholder or exercises a degree of control, as may be prescribed; and

(c) so as to clarify some provisions of the Act.

2. Cabinet has agreed to the creation of a ‘Village des Artistes’ at Batterie de l’Harmonie, Black River, on the Build Operate Transfer (BOT) model. The project aims at conserving, restoring and upgrading structures on the site in line with the provisions of the National Heritage Fund Act in order to provide a conducive environment for artists to create works of art, showcase their creations, hold working sessions and conduct workshops.

3. Cabinet has agreed to the renaming of the classified Baie du Cap, Chamarel and Case Noyale Road (B104), commonly known as ‘Chemin 52 Contours’, in view of the fact that Chamarel is already a strong tourism brand in itself and famous for its tourist attractions, namely, seven coloured earth, mirador, waterfall and “Rhumerie de Chamarel”.

4. Cabinet has taken note of the status of implementation of projects in the Health Sector namely, the construction of the new ENT Hospital at Vacoas, the Flacq Teaching Hospital, the New Eye Care Hospital at Réduit and four Mediclinics at Bel Air, Coromandel, Stanley and Quartier Militaire.

5. Cabinet has taken note that the 7th Session of the Mauritius-EU Political Dialogue was held on 13 June 2019. The Mauritius delegation comprised the Minister of Public Infrastructure and Land Transport, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and International Trade, the Minister of Agro-Industry and Food Security, the Attorney General, Minister of Justice, Human Rights and Institutional Reforms, the Minister of Financial Services and Good Governance, as well as senior officials from different Ministries. The EU side was headed by HE Ms Marjana Sall, EU Ambassador to Mauritius, and included diplomatic representatives of eight EU Member States, including France and UK.

The meeting discussed various issues related to the current state of play and the future of Mauritius-EU relations bilaterally and within the Cotonou Partnership Agreement (CPA) and post-CPA.

6. Cabinet has taken note of the activities being organised by the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life on 27 June 2019 to commemorate the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, namely :

(a) a march from Champ de Mars to Jardin de la Compagnie involving the participation of around 1,200 persons, including students from secondary schools in the region of Port Louis, representatives of different Ministries, NGOs as well as other stakeholders;

(b) a national mass media campaign against drug, targeting the whole population and sensitisation of students on the harmful effects of drugs; and

(c) sensitisation on problems of drug at workplace as well as the community through talks and dissemination of brochures.

7. Cabinet has taken note that the Mauritius Family Planning and Welfare Association Act 2018 which was passed by the National Assembly on 4 December 2018, would be proclaimed shortly and would come into operation on 15 July 2019.

8. Cabinet has taken note of the outcome of the recent visit of the Attorney General, Minister of Justice, Human Rights and Institutional Reforms to Rodrigues. The main objective of his visit was to follow up on issues pertaining to Human Rights and to have consultations with various stakeholders to raise their awareness on the subject matter. During the visit, he had, inter alia, working sessions with the Chief Commissioner, Members of the National Assembly and Commissioners of the Rodrigues Regional Assembly. He also had an awareness raising and brainstorming session with the Departmental Heads of the various Commissions of the Rodrigues Regional Assembly, representatives from the Police Force, the Prison Service and relevant NGOs.

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