25 mars 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

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The Industrial Property Bill

2 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Nando Bodha va présenter son projet de loi concernant les droits et propriétés industrielles en première lecture lors de la séance parlementaire du 9 Juillet 2019.

The main objects of this Bill are to –
(a) expand the scope of protection of industrial property to cover utility models, layout-designs of integrated circuits, breeder’s rights and geographical indications, and thereby promote innovation and creativity, the introduction and development of new, improved and innovative plant varieties in Mauritius and the protection of products which have a specific geographical origin and possess qualities, characteristics or a reputation which are essentially due to that origin;
(b) bring together under one enactment the provisions of the law relating to the protection of industrial property rights namely, patents, utility models, layout-designs of integrated circuits, breeder’s rights, industrial designs, marks, trade names and geographical indications, and to provide for related matters;
(c) enable Mauritius to accede to the Patent Cooperation Treaty, for the filing of international patent applications, the Hague Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs and the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks, and to comply with its obligations thereunder following accession.
2.The Bill also –
(a) makes better provision in relation to the Industrial Property Office of Mauritius, which shall be headed by a Director, and in relation to the Industrial Property Tribunal;
(b) provides for the setting up of an Intellectual Property Council the role of which shall be mainly advisory, and which shall ensure coordination among the public and private sectors in the formulation of intellectual property policies and enforcement of intellectual property rights.

The Industrial Property Bill
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