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Maurice Info – Archives

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Décisions du Conseil des Ministres du 12 Juillet 2019

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Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Les membres du Cabinet ont pris note que le Employment Rights Act 2008 sera révoqué et remplacé par une version révisée de Workers’ Rights Bill and the Employment Relations Act, du programme de la viste du pape Francois à Maurice, de l’inauguration du Stade de Cote d’Or le 15 Juillet 2019, que Maurice a recu la visite de 92,398 touristes pour le mois de Juin 2019 entre autres.

. Cabinet has agreed to the Employment Rights Act 2008 being repealed and replaced by a revised Workers’ Rights Bill and the Employment Relations Act being amended by the Employment Relations (Amendment) Bill. In Budget Speech 2019-2020, the Prime Minister, Minister of Finance and Economic Development announced that:

(a) broad consensus has been reached among representatives of employers, trade unions and Government as regards the Portable Retirement Gratuity Fund (PRGF) and that same would be introduced in the Workers’ Rights Bill to provide for computation of a gratuity that would recognise the full length of service of a worker, irrespective of the number of employers he has worked for;

(b) a Technical Committee would be set up to consider the modalities of the Portable Retirement Gratuity Fund for the implementation of the scheme; and

(c) necessary measures would be introduced to assist the SME sector.

The object of the Workers’ Rights Bill is to repeal the Employment Rights Act and replace it by a modern and comprehensive legislative framework with a view to addressing the shortcomings of the present legislation and to provide the emerging forms of work in the industrial revolution so as to promote decent work and sustainable development.

The main object of the Employment Relations (Amendment) Bill is to amend the Employment Relations Act with a view to consolidating and reinforcing industrial relations between workers, trade unions and employers through enhanced mechanism for collective bargaining, social dialogue and dispute resolution.

Both Bills would be introduced into the National Assembly shortly.

2. Cabinet has taken note of arrangements being made in the context of the visit of His Holiness (HH) The Pope to Mauritius on Monday 9 September 2019. HH The Pope would arrive in Mauritius from Madagascar on 09 September 2019 at 1040 hours and would leave for Madagascar on the same day by Air Mauritius at 1900 hours. During his visit in Mauritius HH The Pope would, inter alia, celebrate a mass at Marie Reine de la Paix and would also effect a visit to the Shrine of Blessed Father Laval.

3. Cabinet has agreed to the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation and the Ministry of Ocean Economy, Marine Resources, Fisheries and Shipping to further scientific cooperation and provide for mutual agreement in the fields of:

(a) ocean economy;

(b) marine ecosystem;

(c) marine fisheries and aquaculture;

(d) ocean renewable energy;

(e) remote sensing; and

(f) Blue Carbon.

4. Cabinet has agreed to the ratification of the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer. The Kigali Amendment aims at the phasing-down of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) by reducing their production and consumption. It includes specific targets and a time table to replace HFCs with more planet friendly alternatives. Mauritius adhered to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that deplete the ozone layer on 18 August 1992 and, so far, the country has ratified the subsequent amendments to the Protocol, namely, the London Amendment (1990), the Copenhagen Amendment (1992) in 1993, the Montreal Amendment (1997) and the Beijing Amendment (1999) in 2003.

5. Cabinet has agreed to the release of the Summary Report of the Feasibility Study for the Adoption of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) in Mauritius prepared by the Consultant Poten and Partners (UK) Limited. The Report has assessed the demand for LNG in
Mauritius across five broad mark segments, namely power generation, industrial/commercial/residential, transportation, LNG bunkering for ships and re-exporting to regional countries.

6. Cabinet has taken note that the multisport complex at Côte d’Or would be named Côte d’Or National Sports Complex and would be officially inaugurated on Monday 15 July 2019.

7. Cabinet has taken note that in the context of the forthcoming Indian Ocean Islands Games, a free shuttle service would be available from St Pierre to the Côte d’Or National Sports Complex during the period 19 to 23 July 2019 between 07 00 hours to 21 00 hours at an interval of 5 to 10 minutes. Competition in two sport disciplines, namely Judo and Swimming would take place at the Côte d’Or National Sports Complex.

8. Cabinet has taken note that according to the last monthly report published by the Statistics Unit of the Ministry of Tourism, tourist arrivals reached 92,398 in the month of June 2019 as compared to 84,345 in June 2018, representing an increase of 9.5%. Growth has been registered in arrivals from Germany (+28.2%), France (+20.9%), Italy (+11.0%), United Kingdom (+2.8%), South Africa (+15.6%), Reunion Island (+ 10.8%), Saudi Arabia (+108.3%), Switzerland (+84.0%), United Arab Emirates (+38.3%), Poland (+32.4%), Austria (+25.1%), Netherlands (+6.3%) and Czech Republic (+3.8%).

9. Cabinet has taken note that following a request made by the Government of Mauritius to the Saudi Authorities in respect of the Hadj pilgrimage for 2019, the Saudi Authorities have, inter alia, granted 535 additional visas for Mauritians wishing to proceed on pilgrimage. The Islamic Cultural Centre Trust Fund is liaising with individuals who have registered themselves to perform the Hadj.

10. Cabinet has taken note that the Ministry of Public Infrastructure and Land Transport, in collaboration with the Construction Industry Development Board, would organise a Regional Workshop on the theme ‘Innovations in the delivery of infrastructural projects’ from 28 to 30 August 2019. The Workshop would also provide an opportunity to local construction industry professionals to engage discussions and establish partnerships with their counterparts in other countries of the region with a view to identifying opportunities for mutual growth and development.

Member States of the Southern Africa Development Community and Indian Ocean Commission as well as some countries from Southern and Eastern parts of Africa would participate in this Workshop. International consultants and contractors presently operating in Mauritius and local firms of contractors and consultants and other stakeholders would also be invited to showcase their expertise and knowledge in the sector while at the same time understanding major developments in related fields at the international level.

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