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Maurice Info – Archives

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Décisions du Conseil des Ministres du 26 Juillet 2019

5 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Les membres du cabinet ont pris note de la présenatation de quatre projets de loi au parlement , the National Land Transport Authority Bill, the Light Rail Bill, the Road Traffic (Amendment No. 2) Bill, the Victoria Station Overhead Pedestrian Bridge (Authorised Construction) Bill, l’augmentation du Additional Laureates Scheme qui passe à Rs 400,000.00, des avancées des trvaux à Fond du Sac entre autres.

1. Cabinet has agreed to the introduction of the following Bills into the National Assembly :

(a) the National Land Transport Authority Bill;

(b) the Light Rail Bill;

(c) the Road Traffic (Amendment No. 2) Bill; and

(d) the Victoria Station Overhead Pedestrian Bridge (Authorised Construction) Bill.

The main object of the National Land Transport Authority Bill is to provide for the establishment of the National Land Transport Authority which shall be the regulatory body for land transport and light rail operations in Mauritius. The National Land Transport Authority would :

(i) take over the functions and powers of the National Transport Authority under the Road Traffic Act; and

(ii) perform such other functions imposed, and exercise such other powers conferred, upon it under the Light Rail Act 2019.

The main object of the Light Rail Bill is to provide for a legal framework for the operation of the Light Rail Transit system in Mauritius.

The main object of the Road Traffic (Amendment No. 2) Bill is to amend the Road Traffic Act as a consequence of the Light Rail legislation and the National Land Transport Authority Legislation.

The main object of the Victoria Station Overhead Pedestrian Bridge (Authorised Construction) Bill is to authorise Victoria Station Ltd to construct, in connection with the implementation of the Light Rail Transit system in Mauritius, an overhead pedestrian bridge over part of the Port Louis-Plaisance Dual Carriageway (M1) for the purpose of developing the Victoria Urban Terminal.

2. Cabinet has agreed to the Renewable Energy Roadmap 2019-2030, which is in line with the Government Programme 2015-2019 and as announced in the Budget Speech 2019-2020.The Roadmap charts the way for the development of Renewable Energy technologies, diversifying the electricity mix of the country and adopting cleaner sources of energy. It also provides significant information on short and long term investment opportunities in renewable energy, namely solar, biomass, including bagasse and cane trash, waste-to-energy, onshore wind, hydro, offshore wind and wave.

3. Cabinet has agreed to the signing of a “Convention de Partenariat”, under the “Fonds d’Expertise Technique et d’Echanges d’Expérience” (FEXTE), by the Ministry of Energy and Public Utilities, jointly with the Rodrigues Regional Assembly, with the l’Agence Française de Développement and l’Office de l’eau Réunion. The FEXTE is a fund managed by l’Agence Française de Développement to finance technical cooperation programmes and project preparation studies in developing countries with the aim of promoting sustainable development. The funds would be used to provide technical assistance for the setting up of water observatories both in Mauritius and Rodrigues, which would, inter alia, monitor the quality and quantity of water resources and efficient use of water resources by different users.

4. Cabinet has agreed to Mauritius signing the United Nations Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation which requires contracting States to recognise international settlement agreements resulting from mediation in commercial disputes. The Convention would be open for signature in Singapore on 7 August 2019. It would be advantageous for Mauritius to sign the Convention given the ambition of the country to position itself as a credible seat for alternative dispute resolution.

5. Cabinet has taken note that the instrument of accession to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide was submitted by the Mauritian Mission in New York to the UN Treaty Section on 8 July 2019 and Mauritius is now officially on the list of countries which have acceded to the Convention.

6. Cabinet has taken note that the quantum of the all-inclusive grants under the Additional Laureates Scheme has been increased from Rs360,000 to Rs400,000, with effect from 1 July 2019 for all beneficiaries who are studying abroad.

7. Cabinet has taken note that the 5th International Conference on Ocean Engineering would be organised in Mauritius, by the University of Mauritius jointly with the Institute of Technology, Madras from 29 July to 01 August 2019. The theme would be ‘Addressing Sustainable Development Goals’.

The objectives of the Conference are, inter alia, :

(a) to offer a platform for academicians, engineers from the industry, policy makers and administrators from over the world to deliberate on how ocean engineering can contribute towards job creation, social welfare and support the global initiatives to achieve sustainable development goals;

(b) to create awareness of the various areas associated with coastal and ocean engineering; and

(c) to bring the international scientific community to Mauritius and share expertise.

Some 100 participants would attend the Conference.

8. Cabinet has taken note that a Workshop on “Introduction to Underwater Cultural Heritage” would be organised by the Department of Continental Shelf, Maritime Zones Administration and Exploration of the Ministry of Defence and Rodrigues from 29 to 30 July 2019. The objectives of the Workshop are to :

(a) raise awareness on Underwater Cultural Heritage with a focus on survey techniques and management; and

(b) understand key issues and best international practices in the field of Underwater Cultural Heritage.

9. Cabinet has taken note that an eight-member delegation headed by the Chairperson of the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights would effect a promotion mission to Mauritius from 13 to 17 August 2019, in conformity with Article 45(1) of the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights, which mandates the Commission with the promotion and protection of human and people’s rights on the African continent. During the mission, the Commission would gather information regarding the implementation of the provisions of the African Charter, promote the African Charter and other relevant regional and international human rights instruments and raise awareness on its activities.

10. Cabinet has taken note of progress of the flood mitigation works being undertaken at Fond du Sac by the National Development Unit. The contract has been awarded on 30 April 2019 for the sum of Rs 103.8 million for the execution of the works. The site has been handed over to the contractor in May 2019 and works are ongoing. A High Level Committee has been set up to monitor the project.

11. Cabinet has taken note of the reconstitution of the Board of Directors of the Civil Service College, Mauritius with Mr Sateeaved Seebaluck, GOSK, as Chairperson.

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