15 avril 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

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Décisions du Conseil des Ministres 2 Août 2019

3 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Les membres du cabinet ont pris note que des nouvelles versions de Workers’ Rights Bill et Employment Relations (Amendment) Bill seront représentés au Parlement entre autres

Cabinet has agreed to the introduction into the National Assembly of a revised Workers’ Rights Bill and Employment Relations (Amendment) Bill following further consultations held with the relevant Trade Unions and Business Mauritius.

The object of the Workers’ Rights Bill is to repeal the Employment Rights Act and replace it by a modern and comprehensive legislative framework with a view to addressing the shortcomings of the present legislation and to provide for new emerging forms of work. The Bill, inter alia, gives more protection to workers against discrimination and precarious employment and also guarantees workers a gratuity on retirement.

The main object of the Employment Relations (Amendment) Bill is to amend the Employment Relations Act with a view to consolidating and reinforcing industrial relations between workers, trade unions and employers through enhanced mechanisms for collective bargaining, social dialogue and dispute resolution.

Cabinet has also taken note that appropriate procedures would be followed to withdraw the Workers’ Rights Bill (No. XVIII of 2019) and the Employment Relations (Amendment) Bill (No. XIX of 2019) which have already passed the First Stage in the National Assembly.

2. Cabinet has agreed to the proclamation of the Mauritius Research and Innovation Council Act 2019 which was passed in the National Assembly on 7 May 2019 and to the constitution of the Mauritius Research and Innovation Council with Dr Michael Atchia as Chairperson.

3. Cabinet has agreed to the setting up of Digital Service Centres in all Post Offices in Mauritius and Rodrigues. The main aim of the Digital Service Centres is to provide citizens in Mauritius and Rodrigues with a one-stop access to all e-government services, as well as the Government e-platform. The renewed set of services to be provided at the Digital Service Centres, would be, among others, to assist customers :

(a) on how to use computer and Internet facilities;

(b) in accessing the Government Portal and use any e-service;

(c) on scanning and uploading of documents where required by the e-services;

(d) in the use of all application tools (email, video calls, typing, printing);

(e) in the use of government e-platform for additional services; and

(f) by providing printing, binding and laminating services.

4. Cabinet has taken note that the First Session of the Joint Permanent Commission of Cooperation between the Republic of Mauritius and the Republic of Mozambique would be held in Mauritius from 08 to 09 August 2019. The objectives of the Joint Commission
are to :

(a) consolidate bilateral relations between Mauritius and Mozambique;

(b) finalise and sign agreements between the two countries and pursue discussions on those which are still outstanding;

(c) promote cooperation in sectors such as agriculture, trade, fisheries, education, research, culture, energy and health, among others; and

(d) discuss matters pertaining to facilitation of business enterprise in Mozambique.

5. Cabinet has agreed to Mauritius hosting the launching of the negotiations on the deepening of the European Union (EU) and Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) interim Economic Partnership Agreement (iEPA) on 02 October 2019 and the first EU-ESA technical negotiations on 03 and 04 October 2019. The ESA internal technical meeting would be held on 01 October 2019. The launching ceremony would be attended by several high officials and dignitaries, including Trade Ministers of the ESA States, namely, Comoros, Madagascar, Seychelles, and Zimbabwe and the EU delegation would be led by the
Deputy Director General of DG Trade.

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