14 avril 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

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We Empower

3 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

We Empower came into being because it was felt there needs to be an association preparing the future leaders of Mauritius, forget 2030, let us look at the next 50 years of Independence for Women and Children.

Empower a woman and you Empower her family and community
Empower a child and you Empower the future leaders of the world

Empowering Women and Children am sure will be one of them, from all spheres of society 
Entrepreneurship Development 
Networking (creating the right environment for women to meet and share)
Capacity building 

To enable the integration of women in society and to accompany them in becoming empowered; ❖ To help ensure a secure environment and improve conditions for girls to succeed in having a good education; ❖ To fight against all forms of violence towards women with a specific focus on domestic violence; to share insights with women and children on how to create positive relationships

One of the first projects of We Empower is ………
We Empower Training Program – Where 24 women from the Rosehill region of Mauritius were given the tools to become better leaders, entrepreneurs and role models for other women.

Through our contacts with various NGOs we understood that there are a lot of women at grassroots level who could benefit fully from training. This led We Empower to embark on adapting various Leadership course materials, without cutting on the quality of the programme, so that the course could be made more accessible to women at grassroots levels. This means they contain more visuals and a mixture of French, English and Creole is being used.

The objective of this Training programme is to develop women leaders either to become an entrepreneur, a more successful entrepreneur, a more active leader heading or collaborating with NGOs – i.e. empower those who are already active in their own locality or community by giving them the appropriate tools and the necessary self-confidence to bring positive change in our society and in their local community in particular.

Once empowered, the women can take more active parts in the decision-making that affects their daily lives; they can subsequently influence government policies and programmes that have a direct impact on their own livelihoods and people in their community.

A second project has included children from shelters where the children are placed for their own security. Children need to know adults care, even if the child has been through a traumatic experience not everyone is going to hurt them

20 children aged 5 to 12 years were treated to a cookery lesson – Each child in their little chefs’ outfit was initiated into the wonders of cooking, from kneading the dough to rolling a pizza base, from grating the cheese to adding the ingredients required to prepare the topping.
This was a workshop with a difference it allowed the children to get their hands on experience in pizza making and baking, followed by making pasta from scratch and toffee apples for dessert.

Not only did the children get to prepare the foods, they were also taught how to set a table and had the wonderful experience of eating what they had produced for lunch.

A truly innovative undertaking in keeping children occupied during the school holidays.

This proved to be not a simple cooking lesson, as each step was explained thoroughly, from why we wash our hands, wear a hat and apron to safety in the kitchen.

In the long run we aim the participants to build the confidence of communicating with new people and exploring new environments. By being exposed to a number of thematic training sessions whether young or not so young We Empower believes everybody can have a better way of life with support, mentoring and knowing somebody, somewhere believes in you and your abilities

During the recent holidays We Empower organised and participated in activities for children from shelters such as Passarelle and Amis Des Don Boscoe. Introducing the children to university life for the day as activities were arranged with students and lecturers in a bid to encourage the children to understand the importance of education.

For the university students it was a way of understanding empathy with hands on experience

We Empower will continue to collaborate with shelters and NGOs to empower the residents and future leaders of Mauritius and the region

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