15 avril 2024

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The Employment Relations (Amendment) Bill

1 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

La première version de l’Employment Relations (Amendment) Bill sera retiré au parlement par voie de motion le 6 Aout 2019 et une nouvelle version sera présentée.

The main object of the Bill is to amend the Employment Relations Act with a view to consolidating and reinforcing industrial relations between workers, trade unions and employers through enhanced mechanisms for collective bargaining, social dialogue and dispute resolution.
2.The Bill, inter alia –
(a) provides, with a view to encouraging collective bargaining, for the reduction in the threshold for eligibility for recognition of a trade union from 30 per cent to 20 per cent;
(b) introduces, for the purpose of collective bargaining, a standard procedure agreement which shall be binding on both a trade union and an employer;
(c) reinforces the conciliation and mediation mechanism for dispute resolution;
(d) empowers the Employment Relations Tribunal to make an award for the reinstatement of a worker whose employment has been terminated in certain cases, particularly where some of his rights have been infringed;
(e) makes provision for the setting up of a National Tripartite Council to promote social dialogue and consensus building on labour, industrial relations or socio-economic issues of national importance, and other related labour and industrial relations issues; and
(f) clarifies some provisions of the Act.

The Employment Relations (Amendment) Bill

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