15 avril 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

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765,530 touristes

1 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Hausse de 0.4% en terme de visiteurs pour les mois allant de Janvier à Juillet 2019 selon les chiffres du Statistics Unit du Ministère du Tourisme.

Cabinet has taken note that according to the last monthly report published by the Statistics Unit of the Ministry of Tourism, some 765,530 tourists visited Mauritius for the period of January to July 2019 as compared to 762,746 for the corresponding period in year 2018, representing an overall increase of 0.4%. Growth has been registered in arrivals from Italy (+14.8%), France (+4.1%), Reunion Island (+5.0%), Belgium (+12.1%), Czech Republic (+12.2%), Switzerland (+18.3%) and Saudi Arabia (+12.3%).

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