13 avril 2024

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Advertising Week Africa announces shift to 2020

2 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Advertising Week (www.AdvertisingWeek.com) – the world’s largest annual gathering of advertising, creative, entertainment, marketing, media and technology industry leaders – has shifted its maiden Africa edition to 2020.

Advertising Week Africa will now take place in the first half of 2020, with a new date to be confirmed. The date change comes after a joint decision by the event’s Africa-based Advisory Council and other local and international stakeholders, following unrest in South Africa and the resulting reprisal attacks across several African countries.

Stillwell Partners, global producers of Advertising Week, re-affirmed the commitment to Africa. “Our commitment to launching Advertising Week Africa in Johannesburg is only stronger. From adversity often comes opportunity and we will continue and accelerate all planning and development to ensure the success of Advertising Week Africa in 2020,” said Stillwell President Lance Pillersdorf.

The following lead up to Adverting Week Africa milestone events will continue as planned:

An AWAfrica gala reception honoring the 20th anniversary of the Nelson Mandela Foundation in New York City on 25 September, as a centerpiece of the 16th global edition of Advertising Week in New York City.
The next edition of Advertising Week Europe in London in March 2020 will shine the spotlight on the spirit and impact of African entrepreneurs and storytellers.
South Africa House on Trafalgar Square will host a special Road to AWAfrica Leadership Reception during AWEurope.
Tunji Adeyinka, Republicom Group Managing Director and Chair of the AWAfrica Advisory Council adds: “The message of Advertising Week Africa has always been that there is strength in our diversity, and therefore we stand against violence anywhere on the continent. And as our central theme ‘Great Minds Think Unalike’ succinctly illustrates, we are excited to showcase the fact that we may have different languages, practices and belief systems across the continent, but those very differences create a rich tapestry of culture, industry and creativity that represent a massive and hugely positive contribution to our continent and to the world.”

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