12 avril 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

Partager et informer depuis 2013

Communiqué du Commissaire Électorale

1 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

The Office of the Electoral Commissioner has this morning been informed by an elected member of the National Assembly that he has been handed over the original of a marked ballot paper by a person from his constituency, unknown to him, late last night.

He has in turn handed over a photocopy of the recto of the ballot paper to the Electoral Commissioner in presence of the Chairman, Members and the Secretary of the Electoral Supervisory Commission.

In view of the nature of the information provided and after consultation with the Electoral Supervisory Commission, the Electoral Commissioner has referred the matter to the police for an urgent enquiry.

Both the Electoral Supervisory Commission and the Electoral Commissioner wish to express their appreciation towards the Honourable Member for having brought the matter to their attention

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