13 avril 2024

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Dave Kissoondoyal demande un third party independent audit trail

1 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

UN des candidats battu du Mouvement Militant Mauricien a demandé à la Commission Électorale une « third party independent audit trail » de la base de donnée des electeurs afin de dissiper les doutes.

I, Dewandranath Kissoondoyal, citizen of the Republic of Mauritius and candidate of the MMM in the national assembly elections of 7 November 2019, am making an official request to the Electoral Supervisory Commission, the Electoral Commission Office and the Electoral Commissioner in person to conduct a third party independent audit trail on the database of the electors list to dissipate doubts that there has been any:

1. Unauthorised access to the electors database

2. Manipulation of the electors database

3. Deletion of records in the electoral database

Until the third party independent audit trail is done, I demand that the access to the database server and premises is secured by the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions.

This 21st November 2019

Dave Kissoondoyal

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