16 avril 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

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Human Rights Day 2019 by GSEA

2 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

To celebrate the Human Rights Day on the 10th December 2019, the GSEA has organised a Conference on that day.

Outright Mr. Sadien, MSK, General President of GSEA has requested the ratification of Convention 190 on Violence and Harassment at Work.

While it is important to set up institutions to combat all forms of discrimination, it is more important to ensure their independence and effectiveness in the application of the law, he added.

He furthermore said that all citizens have a right to education, information, health, water, social security benefits, and safe working environment among others.

There is an urgent need to create awareness on those basic rights as well as on existing institutions to ensure that those rights are respected.
We have to report all cases of violation of human rights in all its forms and ensure that trade union rights are respected.

The President of the Commission for the Rights of Older People of DIS MOI who was guest speaker accentuated his intervention mostly on Human Rights issues pertaining to elderly person. Aging population is a reality, and he said, that it’s a good sign as people are more health conscious and broadly, they are taking good care of themselves to live longer.

Though we have laws for the protection of elder people (Protection of Elderly People Acts 2005), still elderly people have to tackle many challenges. Issues like insecurity, negligence, disrespect, violence, conflicts, harassment etc., are aspects which the aging population are very often called to face at a certain time.

However, he voiced out that Mauritius is still reluctant to sign or to ratify International convention concerning old people. He concluded by saying “Treat others the same way as you want others to treat you”.

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