12 avril 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

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Le Metro aura sa licence

1 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Le Conseil des Ministre du 20 décembre 2019 a pris note que la National Land Transport Authority va donner la licence d’operation à Metro Express Ltd,

Cabinet has taken note that the National Land Transport Authority (NLTA) would issue a licence to Metro Express Ltd (MEL), in the context of the commencement of operation of the light rail system. The Light Rail Act provides that the NLTA issues a licence to MEL and imposes such conditions to provide for safety of operations and compliance of the operator with performance standards.

Cabinet has also taken note that Metro Transit Solutions Pte Ltd, which was appointed to carry out the safety assessment of the Metro Express, has submitted its Report and informed that the light rail transit system is safe for normal operations and for revenue passenger service.

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