27 mars 2024

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[Vidéo news] Une sortie en catamaran se termine en eau de boudin

5 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Rendre ses employés heureux et les dires un grand merci pour une année exceptionnelle a été l’objectif premier d’une cheffe d’entreprise opérant à Rose-Hill, il y a quelques jours.

Point de départ , un van scolaire à Rose-Hill en direction du Four la Chaux, Trou d’eau Douce pour monter à bord d’un catamaran connu puis direction la cascade connue de Grande Rivière Sud Est, para-sailing, bouée, déjeuner avec grillade tout pour passer un bon moment famille et avec les employés.

Sauf que……

Un des prestataires de Para-sailing a oublié neuf personnes sur la plateforme de para-sailing pendant presque une demi-heure sans broncher pendant les réprimandes et les représentants du catamaran qui se sont renvoyés la boule concernant le retour des participants qui ont eu la peur de leur vie au milieu du lagon.

De minutes en minutes, la situation s’est dégénérée entre les client et le skipper qui a appelé du renfort qui sont venus en bateau pour malmener les clients voir gifler l’un deux, ce dernier aurait pu décéder car il avait fait une chirurgie cardiaque quelques mois de cela.

Pour calmer la situation, la patronne, ses enfants et ses employés, 25 au total ont pris les bateaux pour retrouver le plancher des vaches avant de rentrer à Rose Hill choquées comme tout.

L’affaire n’est pas restée là, la directrice a envoyé une lettre à la Tourism Authority pour denoncer cette histoire avec video et photo à l’appui.

Voici des extraits de la lettre.

Dear Sir / Madam,

This is a detailed breakdown to support my complaint lodged at the Mauritius Tourism Authority (26/12/2019) in regards to our end of year outing dated 23/12/2019….

We were introduced to a person on the catamaran saying that he would be the contact person for the ride and activities, who did not show up again. The cruise company’s name is C…. C….. and we were assigned the catamaran having the number PC ……L.

We left for GRSE and reached there at noon. Lunch was served at 12:15 (no snacks were provided in between) upon request as we had a person who previously suffered from a heart attack previously.

We had to leave that person on board to go to the boat for GRSE waterfall. Upon arrival of Ile aux Cerfs “jetée”, the skipper,R… (blue hat), left the drop off point with 4 persons on board and some others who had to do the activities on Ile aux Cerfs. He had to come back to drop them off when they told him so.

They introduced us to another contact person on ile aux cerfs for the activities and asked all the persons doing the activities to be back by 15:30. We, 22 persons in total, left all our belongings on the beach as they asked us to do so, trusting them under the assumption that it was the same company as the cruise.

We left for the parasailing platform in 2 boat trips from the beach. After the first group was done with their activities, a boat came to drop them off the beach and approximately eight to nine people were left behind on the platform.

The skipper was willing to leave the remaining persons on the island when the clock hit 15:30. We had to beg the skipper to stay a little longer so we can go to look for them. Its only when we all told him to drop us all off on the island to look for them and we will find our way back without their help that he agreed to wait for 15 minutes. When we went on the beach to look for them, we could not find them as they were still on the parasailing platform. He called someone and then claimed to us that the 8 persons were being dropped off by boat to another catamaran so he can leave the “jetée” without having to wait for the others.

In fact, our remaining personnel were left on the parasailing platform for more than 30 minutes without shelter for the rain, with no means of communication and without transport arrangements. They had to arrange for the trip back from the platform on their own as the person who supposedly had to so never shown up.

When the other part of our group reached the catamaran, they were annoyed by the fact that they were left behind without any arrangement being made and demanded explanations for this. The skipper, went ahead and explained that by 15:30 he had to leave the “jetée” as the low tide starts
around that time causing difficulties to leave ile aux cerfs and he claimed having made arrangements for them to come back. The disagreement started from there as our personnel said that they asked the parasailing staff about that and they confirmed that no transport arrangement was made as they did not know anything about it. Rudy then answered by saying he did not know the details about the activities, that is how many persons and which activities we booked as the company in charge of the activities and catamaran are two separate distinct companies.

The disagreement went on to the point where our guys had to intervene and break off our personnel and the skipper’s helper, as it started getting physical. The helper grabbed the winch handle on his bar station) and tried to beat our staff with it.

One of our male staff had to go behind him and held his arms back to disarm him. The helper tried to fight back by bringing our employee down. Despite his resistance, our staff managed to disarm him and then freed him.

After sailing for a few more minutes, the skipper cut down the engine in the open sea without any explanation, and another boat filled up with his colleagues (approximately 10 persons) started to approach the catamaran we were on. The other group of the crew persons then came on board while swearing and rounding us up on the boat along with our team on board.

The boat’s crew was the first one who initiated the physical fight based on the assumptions of the cruise’s crew and started throwing hands at anyone they could reach.

The group of the other crews’ personnel provoked the fight by trying to slap an elderly person in our staff who the boat’s crew knew previously suffered from heart problems.

When we reached the “débarcadère” …. the group walked away from the “débarcadère” while threatening our staff and pushing them around till they reached a parked car. Taking advantage of being crowded, they pushed one of our elderly staff on the car where he hit his head and fell down.

La patronne ajoute dans sa complainte à la Tourisme Authority que s’est sentie humilié par l’équipage et qu’une personne a été blessé lors de cette sortie et demande une enquête approfondie sur cet incident et manque de professionnalisme de cet opérateur de catamaran.

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