19 mars 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

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MoU EDB et MP Industrial Development Corporation of Madhya Pradesh

1 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Le gouvernement mauricien a donné son aval le 13 janvier 2022 à qu’un protocole d’accord soit signé entre l’Economic Development Board et le MP Industrial Development Corporation of Madhya Pradesh de l’Inde.

Cabinet has agreed to the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the MP Industrial Development Corporation of Madhya Pradesh, India and the Economic Development Board. The objectives of the Memorandum of Understanding are as follows:
(a) exchange and dissemination of non-confidential information on all economic and commercial matters, including specific industrial sectors;
(b) exchange of professional experience relating to services rendered to their members facilitating development of mutually beneficial relationship;
(c) active promotion of investments/joint ventures and exchange of business delegations;
(d) support for the organisation of activities such as seminars, conferences, road shows by specialists in Madhya Pradesh and in Mauritius, as well as trade fairs and exhibitions; and
(e) development and promotion of linkages between industries in both countries.

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