5 mars 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

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Accord entre Seychelles Coast Guard et National Coast Guard of Mauritius

1 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Les membres du gouvernement ont donné leurs accords le 20 janvier 2023 pour la signature d’un accord de principe entre ces deux organisations. Cela afin de permettre un coopération dans le domaine de la surveillance maritime et de la sécurité de la région du Plateau des Mascareignes.

Cabinet has agreed to the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Seychelles Coast Guard and the National Coast Guard of Mauritius for cooperation in the field of maritime surveillance and security of the Management Area of the Mascarene Plateau Region. The Memorandum of Understanding would enable cooperation to, inter alia:
(a) enforce the sovereign rights of Mauritius and Seychelles over the Joint Management Area;
(b) safeguard the natural living and non-living resources pertaining to the seabed and sub-soil of the Joint Management Area;
(c) ensure that activities related to ‘natural resources’, as defined under the Treaty Concerning the Joint Management of the Continental Shelf in the Mascarene Plateau Region, are carried out so as to secure biodiversity, prevent pollution and other harmful risks to the environment of that area; and
(d) organise joint patrols and/or coordinated interventions at sea to prevent or respond to situations affecting maritime surveillance and security in the Joint Management Area.

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