12 avril 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

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U.S. Ambassador-designate swears-In

1 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

n January 19, 2023, Ambassador-Designate to Mauritius and Seychelles Henry Jardine took the oath of office in a ceremony at the National Museum of American Diplomacy. The ceremony was officiated by Acting Deputy Secretary of State John Bass and attended by Ambassador-Designate Jardine’s wife, Kathleen.

In his remarks, Ambassador-Designate Jardine said, « We are excited at the prospect of engaging with the people of Mauritius and Seychelles, fostering close collaboration, advancing important shared initiatives, making new friends, and beginning the next chapter in what has been a life of wonderful experiences. »

Ambassador-Designate Jardine thanked Chargée d’Affaires Bineshwaree Napaul from the Mauritian Embassy to the United States for her attendance and expressed his optimism for the opportunities to work with the government and people of Mauritius on promoting democracy, security, and the environment, and in looking for ways to enhance our trade and investment.

Mr. Jardine also said he was looking forward to expanding engagement with and developing the U.S. presence in the Seychelles. With the new Counselor for Seychelles in Victoria, we are busy engaging with local officials and the community. We have many areas where we cooperate, including maritime security, financial good governance, managing the impacts of climate change and trade and investment, to name just a few, » » he said.

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