19 mars 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

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Pravind Jugnauth to address the nation this afternoon

1 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

The Prime Minister will update the situation in the country on Friday, January 27 at around 14 h.

This is from a statement from the National Crisis Committee today.

This body wishes to remind the public and citizens in general that in accordance with the Order issued under Clause 16 (2)(a) of the NDRRM Act, the public must compulsorily remain safe and not venture outside, with the exception of those authorized and hired within the NDRRM. Essential and Emergency Services.

This measure has been implemented in the interest of ensuring the safety of every citizen.

« The National Crisis Committee, which is in constant communication with the Prime Minister, continues to monitor the situation closely and coordinate ongoing operations, » emphasizes the statement.

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