6 mars 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

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L’Outdoor Centre de Pointe Jérôme va changer de nom

1 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Vague de chamgement de nom pour les Outdoor Centres du pays qui seront renommés selon le résumés des décisions du Conseil des Ministres du 30 janvier 2023.

Celui de Pointe sera connu comme le National Outdoor Education and Recreation Centre et ceux d’Anse La Raie, Belle Mare et Flic en Flac seront des Regional Outdoor Education and Recreation Centres.

Cabinet has taken note that the existing Outdoor Centre at Pointe Jérôme would be renamed as a National Outdoor Education and Recreation Centre and three other existing Outdoor Centres at Anse La Raie, Belle Mare and Flic en Flac as Regional Outdoor Education and Recreation Centres in the context of the implementation of the outdoor education programme.

In order to give a boost to the new roles which the Outdoor Centres are called upon to play in the near future, outdoor education programmes have been developed by the Mauritius Sports Council for the youth. These programmes allow the youth to discover activities such as water-based and land-based activities, leadership/team building exercises, interactive environment hubs and cultural programmes, thereby exposing them to experimental learning outside the classroom experiences.

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