8 mars 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

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Un « healing Forest » à Grand Bassin

1 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Les pèlerins, les dévots et ceux qui visitent le Ganga Talao tout le long de l’année seront d’apprendre que les autorités dans un soucis de sauvegarder la diversité de la flore dans le région du lac sacré et la phase 1 prendra fin vers la mi-mars 2023.

Cabinet has taken note of the creation of a healing forest at Grand Bassin by the Forestry Service of the Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security.

With a view to protecting the forests and surrounding areas of Grand Bassin especially around Ganga Talao, the area needs to be revamped and beautified from mono-cultured forest to culturally significant trees, medicinal plants and flowering trees that would further enhance tranquillity and sanctity of the area. The first phase of the project was expected to be completed by the second week of March 2023.

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