13 avril 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

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10th Annual Southern Africa Postal Operators Association Postal Forum Conference

1 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Maurice sera au centre de l’information concernant le service portal avec l’organisation de cette conférence par la Mauritius Post Ltd du 29 au 31 mars 2023.

Cabinet has agreed to the 10th Annual Southern Africa Postal Operators Association Postal Forum Conference being held in Mauritius, from 29 to 31 March 2023, in collaboration with the Mauritius Post Ltd. The objective of the annual forum is to address challenges of the Postal Sector in the region and aims, inter alia, at:
(a) benchmarking among postal authorities facing the same challenges;
(b) addressing common issues for the region and identifying new areas for collaboration; and
(c) updating on current and future trends and latest technologies in the industry across the world.

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