11 avril 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

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129e édition de la Newsletter du DPP

2 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Il est question du=e l’arrivé du nouveau Directeur des Poursuites Publiques, Abdool Rashid Ahmine, nommé pendant le m de décembre 2022 par la Judicial and Legal Service Commission en remplacement de Satyajit Boolell, parti à une douce retraite.

Anusha Sheila Aubeelack indique dans son éditorial que le lle DPP :-

Mr Rashid Ahmine brings to this constitutional post exceptional skills, honed over nearly three decades at the Mauritian Bar, during which time he has also built a solid reputation, especially as an expert in white collar crime We, who have worked with Mr Rashid Ahmine across the years, are confident that he will continue to lead reforms both within the ODPP, and more widely, in the criminel justice system the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions being a critical participant in the administration of justice and responsible for providing an independent and fair criminal prosecution service to the country.

Bhamini Prayag Rajcoomar signe son article sur un sujet d’actualité qu’est « Unexplained Wealth and Money Laundering in Mauritius The Current Situation » :-

Mauritius commonly known for its stunning beaches, rich culture, and diverse landscape, is also a hub for financial activities The country is considered a tax haven for its attractive tax policies, making it an ideal destination for individuals and businesses seeking to park their wealth in a secure and confidential location However, this system has made Mauritius vulnerable to the illicit activities of money laundering and unexplained wealth.Money laundering can be explained in simple terms as the process of disguising the proceeds of illegal activities as legitimate funds It is the process by which criminals attempt to conceal the true origin and ownership of the proceeds of their criminal activities Money launderers use a variety of methods to clean their dirty money, including transferring funds through shell companies, investing in real estate, and using other financial instruments The impact of money laundering is significant, as it distorts the financial system, undermines economic stability, and supports criminal activities such as human trafficking, drug trafficking, and terrorism Therefore, it is vital in the fight against crime that criminals be prevented from legitimising the proceeds of their criminal activities.

The local legal framework relating to money laundering in Mauritius is contained in The Financial Intelligence and Anti Money Laundering Act 2002 The Prevention of Corruption Act 2002 The Asset Recovery Act.

ODPP E-Newsletter- February 2023

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