12 mars 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

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‘Marche de l’Unité’

1 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Le ministère de l’Autonomisation de la Jeunesse, des Sports et des Loisirs de Stephan Toussaint va organier cette marche dans le cadre des fêtes nationales du 12 mars 2023 dans différentes régions du 9 au 11 amrs 2023.

Cabinet has taken note that, in the context of the National Day Celebrations 2023, the Ministry of Youth Empowerment, Sports and Recreation would organise a relay entitled ‘Marche de l’Unité’ in six different regions of the island from 09 to 11 March 2023.
The objectives of the event would be to, inter alia:
(a) promote the sense of oneness among the fellow citizens;
(b) revive the sense of patriotism among young people; and
(c) strengthen the bond of national unity among them.

The relay would start at around 08 30 hrs on 09 and 10 March 2023 with groups of persons departing from secondary schools/institutions who would walk, jog or run over a distance of two kilometres, carrying and displaying the National Flag and pass on to another group.

On 11 March 2023, the relay would start at 10 00 hrs to finally reach the Mauritius Sports Council Sports Complex, Rose Hill. All the participants would then proceed to the Plaza Complex, Rose Hill, where a cultural programme with local artists would be held.

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