19 mars 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

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Une Veille de forte pluie est en vigueur pour Maurice à partir de 14 h

2 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Version anglaise / English Version

The airmass over the region is very moist and unstable, thus creating the conducive environment for the formation of active clouds over our region. Moreover, active clouds associated with an instability zone are approaching the island from the South and will influence the local weather as from this evening.

Moderate to heavy showers with thunderstorms are expected as from this afternoon, at first to the South, the East and over the central plateau. Afterwards, during the night, these showers will become more widespread.

The heavy showers will cause temporary water accumulations in some areas.

Heavy Rain Watch for Mauritius issued at 05h00 this Saturday 04 March 2023, valid as from 14h00 this afternoon

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